What is Nuclear Advantage? Four ways of Achieving Nuclear Advantage, John Mearsheimer

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The talk was given at Georgetown University.
Date:2019 May 21st
The talk is about Security Studies.

The talk was given by John Mearsheimer the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science from the University of Chicago

What is a nuclear deterrence force?
Nuclear deterrence is an ideology dating back to the Cold War used to prevent any nuclear aggression and to maintain the status quo. It is used as a tactic and serves as a reminder of the consequences nation-states can face if they choose to attack another country or state.
How does a nuclear deterrent work?
Deterrence theory holds that nuclear weapons are intended to deter other states from attacking with their nuclear weapons, through the promise of retaliation and possibly mutually assured destruction. Nuclear deterrence can also be applied to an attack by conventional forces.
Why is nuclear deterrence important?
Countries have understood the importance of nuclear deterrence and it plays an important role in designing their security strategies. It is used by countries as a bargaining chip to deter nuclear retaliation by other countries.
Is nuclear deterrence good?
Of course, nuclear deterrence is most credible as a means to prevent foreign invasion. This has been the primary reason numerous states have sought nuclear weapons in the first place, including India, Pakistan, Israel, and even North Korea

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Very interesting and relevant subject!


Unfortunately this addressed nuclear weapons as huge bombs and didn't address the issue of nukes as a vehicle for an electromagnetic pulse attack wiping out power systems and electronic equipment.


Nuclear Advantage is how nukes are deployed, simple


This is very informative on what the US establishment has been trying to do on Russia and China with missile defense, prompt global strike.


This is what Russia worries about if nuclears are mounted in Kiev you better believe Russia Nukes retailatery and first strike capabilities are at stake. 75-85% of Russia Nuclear capabilities is comprised. The amount of retailatery damage they can is limited and recoverable.


If Australia fails, if democracy in Australia fails, if the protection of human rights in Australia fail, where to?

Freedom from arbitrary detention is different to freedom of movement, however, freedom from arbitrary detention by the state, unless according to law, is guaranteed by ICCPR Art 9, and is "applicable to all deprivation of liberty", with possible compensation for unlawful arrest or detention.

When it comes to mandates for rat test(s), or social distancing, how are competing medico-legal issues, like medical trespass and consent, resolved - have adults had the ability to decide for themselves, as any adult over 18 might, and or, has that been taken away: in general, in health/medical, and or, in government?

It sounds like so far, people have been advised of expectations, needs, requirements, but, are those opinions on rules according to laws, and if they are, where can the legislation for those rules be found; and,

Can it be said that those rules are not inconsistent with established prevailing laws, (such as Freedom from arbitrary arest, informed consent, entitlement to refuse treatment, freedom of movement between states provided by the Australian Constitution, etc.); and,

If Australia fails, if democracy in Australia fails, if the protection of human rights in Australia fail, where to?

When it comes to Health Law, affecting health service practice, informed consent is needed, otherwise, it could be considered assault; and,

This is part of the Australian Constitution ....

Chapter 1: The Parliament: Part V: Powers of the Parliament.
Section 51 "... subject to this Constitution, ... to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth ... "; and,
(xxiiiA) "... medical ... (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription)"; and,

Chapter V: The States
Section 116 ("Commonwealth not to legislate in respect of religion")
"The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth."; and,

There is an entitlement to refuse treatment at common law - for example, medical consent, Medical Treatment Act 1988(Vic); and,

This is part of the Australian Constitution ....

Section 109:
When a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail,
and the former shall,
to the extent of the inconsistency,
be invalid.

If Australia fails, if democracy in Australia fails, if the protection of human rights in Australia fail, where to?

"International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) - OHCHR (The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Right)" ... ?

Common Siracusa Principles - "restrictions on human rights under the ICCPR must meet standards of legality, evidence-based necessity, proportionality, and gradualism."(.gov articles); and,

While, "In time of public emergency which threatens the life of the nation and the existence of which is officially proclaimed, State Parties to the present Covenant may take measures derogating from their obligations under the present Covenant to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation, provided that such measures are not inconsistent with their other obligations under international law and do not involve ... " Part II, Article 4, paragraph 1; and,

"4. Anyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest or detention shall be entitled to take proceedings before a court, in order that that court may decide without delay on the lawfulness of his detention and order his release if the detention is not lawful." Part III, Article 9, paragraph 4.

If Australia fails, if democracy in Australia fails, if the protection of human rights in Australia fail, where to?

Given the health/medical advice, how can the legislation be obtained for clarification of the law?

Democracy without courts or access to courts and representation, is not a democracy. Courts are part of democracy.

Even if, as a stand alone system or branch within democracy, some are not perceived to be democratic in process, if courts or access to courts and representation, disappeared, then, there would no longer be three branches of government nor a functioning democracy.

Democracy without courts or access to courts and representation, is not a democracy. Courts are part of democracy.

Which branches write the laws that the court's follow and for access to courts and representation?

Democracy without courts or access to courts and representation, is not a democracy. Courts are part of democracy.

It looks like interference of court processes from other countries, states, external, in a functioning democracy would be interference in government; and,

With those involved in inteference, possibly seen as partaking in a category distinct and separate to things like, procedural fairness/due process, perverting the course of justice/the administration of the law/denial of natural justice ... obstruction); and,

With those involved in inteference, possibly seen as partaking in terrorism: and,

As individuals;
Individual criminals;
Not as a state; and
With no immunity; even if,
- sponsored by a state and working officially,
- employed by a state, and or,
- as a team.


If courts or access to courts and representation, disappeared, then, there would no longer be three branches of government nor a functioning democracy; and,

A sort of state where it seems, the situation and circumstances would make it possible, for:

Another country to take over; and or,

Other countries, states, external, to intervene.

Democracy without courts or access to courts and representation, is not a democracy. Courts are part of democracy.

If Australia fails, if democracy in Australia fails, if the protection of human rights in Australia fail, where to?

Stay well. Peace.
Eleonora Formato née Szczepanowski
South Australia
