Бадукские озера (Теберда, Домбай) с дрона Baduk Lakes (Teberda, Dombay) from the drone
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Бадукские озёра — каскад из трёх горных озёр на реке Бадук, левом притоке Теберды, между хребтами Хаджибей и Бадукским на Западном Кавказе, в Карачаево-Черкесии.
The Baduk Lakes are a cascade of three mountain lakes on the Baduk River, the left tributary of the Teberda, between the Khadjibey and Baduksky ridges in the Western Caucasus, in Karachay-Cherkessia (Russia).
43°22′38 41°39′24
The Baduk Lakes are a cascade of three mountain lakes on the Baduk River, the left tributary of the Teberda, between the Khadjibey and Baduksky ridges in the Western Caucasus, in Karachay-Cherkessia (Russia).
43°22′38 41°39′24