Using GPIO Buttons in RetroPie To Make Your Own Game Controller or Handheld Console

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If you're making a handheld Raspberry Pi games console with an emulator like RetroPie you'll want to connect some buttons to your GPIO pins to make a game controller.
In this video I'll show you how to wire up a controller, connect it to your Raspberry Pi and then use the GPIOnext software to allow RetroPie to use it as a gamepad.
Make sure you check out my website for more information, links and code for this project.
if you want to make your own handheld retro games console check out my full project page at...
GPIOnext GitHub repository
Prototype boards
In this video I'll show you how to wire up a controller, connect it to your Raspberry Pi and then use the GPIOnext software to allow RetroPie to use it as a gamepad.
Make sure you check out my website for more information, links and code for this project.
if you want to make your own handheld retro games console check out my full project page at...
GPIOnext GitHub repository
Prototype boards
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