PromCon 2017: Integrating Prometheus and InfluxDB - Paul Dix
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* Abstract:
This talk will look at the different integrations between InfluxDB and Prometheus. We'll dive into using InfluxDB for remote long term storage. Other examples will show how to use Kapacitor to scrape Prometheus metrics targets to pull data into InfluxDB and transform it on the fly to different schemas. Finally, we'll take a look at the upcoming enhancements to the Influx Query Language and possible implementation of PromQL within Influx itself for better long term integration of the two projects.
* Speaker biography:
Paul is the creator of InfluxDB. He has helped build software for startups, large companies and organizations like Microsoft, Google, McAfee, Thomson Reuters, and Air Force Space Command. He is the series editor for Addison Wesley’s Data & Analytics book and video series. In 2010 Paul wrote the book Service Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails for Addison Wesley’s. In 2009 he started the NYC Machine Learning Meetup, which now has over 10,000 members. Paul holds a degree in computer science from Columbia University.
* Slides:
* PromCon website:
This talk will look at the different integrations between InfluxDB and Prometheus. We'll dive into using InfluxDB for remote long term storage. Other examples will show how to use Kapacitor to scrape Prometheus metrics targets to pull data into InfluxDB and transform it on the fly to different schemas. Finally, we'll take a look at the upcoming enhancements to the Influx Query Language and possible implementation of PromQL within Influx itself for better long term integration of the two projects.
* Speaker biography:
Paul is the creator of InfluxDB. He has helped build software for startups, large companies and organizations like Microsoft, Google, McAfee, Thomson Reuters, and Air Force Space Command. He is the series editor for Addison Wesley’s Data & Analytics book and video series. In 2010 Paul wrote the book Service Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails for Addison Wesley’s. In 2009 he started the NYC Machine Learning Meetup, which now has over 10,000 members. Paul holds a degree in computer science from Columbia University.
* Slides:
* PromCon website:
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