Abandoned RR Line, Louisville & Indiana Railroad CSX Run Through, Steel Coils Train Attacks Big Hill

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Abandoned Industrial Railroad Spur With Multiple Railroad Crossings, Louisville & Indiana Railroad In Franklin, Indiana With CSX Fast Freight Train Run Through! New Railroad Park Construction, Steel Coils Train Going Up Steep Hill & Fast Train On Tight Curve. Includes Sharonville, Ohio Night Train With CSX Run Through On Norfolk Southern Railroad. This is the run through video son!
I went to Franklin and Bargersville, Indiana and spent the night to see what I could find. Indiana Railroad was a bust but I got a train on the Louisville & Indiana ( L&I ) Railroad. It was a CSX mixed freight booking over a railroad crossing near Franklin. We see a caboose and railroad station in Franklin and explore an industrial spur that ends in an industrial building. Most of the railroad spur is abandoned but still in place. Part of the spur is being used as a siding to store freight cars. This is a very interesting spur and who knows how long it will remain.
I went to Bargersville, Indiana to film the park being built right next to the Indiana Railroad main line. The next time I visit the park will be finished and look different. A little bit of history here even though there were no trains. I heard a couple pass at night when I was at the motel nearby.
The video also includes a fast CSX train coming around a curve and crossing a railroad crossing. This is the CSX Toledo Sub in Carlisle, Ohio. I had some left over video so I included this and the rest of this video just to use up the material and make the video interesting.
Next, we see a Norfolk Southern steel coils train coming up the hill in Crescent Springs, Kentucky. Cool stuff and we see some cars turning around for an excavator on rails that activated the crossing gates. It was being placed on the rails and then heading down the hill that the coils train just came up.
Then we go to Sharonville, Ohio where I stayed in a motel with a great view of the Norfolk Southern main line at a railroad crossing. A CSX train is seen running on the NS track. It is geographically southbound and railroad east.
The Live Action Pets are included along with the short slide show that comes from the video.

Filmed 2024 in 1080p with 60fps. Thanks for watching!
Please thumbs up and watch another JawTooth video to help my channel.

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Check out my steam train playlist for some really cool videos including the Big Boy!

Рекомендации по теме

I graduated in 1974 from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. I lived in a rented house in Lafayette, Indiana. Can't believe it was so long ago and I have never been back. Thanks, Señor Jaws. This took me back... as it actually got me singing a few bars of <Home Again in Indiana> ... Soap, Soap, Soap, Soap, Soap, Soap, Soap, Soap... ... <What are you doing, RT?>...Oh, sorry. Just singing about 8 bars... (I don't remember the lyrics)...RT in Colonia Centro Histórico, Puebla, México...


I loved that night train awesome. That business that had the rail spur going to it, you never know one day or might get used again. Thanks for the video Brian stay well roll on


Wow! Excellent catch, I like them, they're awesome, @JawTooth, Brian, thank you very much and have a nice day.


আপনার দেয়া রেল ও পারিপার্শ্বিক ভিডিও গুলি খুবই ভালো লাগে


Wife said, in this stage of life thought God would give you brains, though you're happy with JT giving you trains.


That was a good mixed freight to start with, JT. Pretty long with a nice variety of freight. The caboose is great, too! Especially if they allow dogs to travel! 😃😃😃😃❤❤❤❤


Like the way the crummy is done up like the old HO Tyco passenger cars. Great local rail archeology update. Thanks for the night shot. Enjoyed this one much, thanks JT!


I enjoyed watching this video compilation of trains that you have seen in 2024 that you had not previously uploaded. This video took us to several locations in Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. The segment of the video in Franklin, Ohio showing the industrial spur track that is now mostly abandoned was a good lesson in railroad archeology. The rear end DPU on the loaded Norfolk Southern daily steel coils train that you caught on The Hill in Crescent Springs, Kentucky was working hard shoving the train. You caught that "night" view the CSX at the right time. There was just enough daylight left and with the help of car headlights we were able to see the freight cars as they passed your location. (Posted 18 July 2024 at 1211 CDT.)


Trains trains and more trains I like these videos


Thank you JT! Keep those night shots coming! Love seeing the locomotive numbers lit up & the crossing lights reflected off the cars.


I sure enjoyed your video today. Lots of great trains, scenery, and urban history! Seeing Norfi playing in the sun reminds me, how do Norfi and Tom get along? I wish you a safe and successful day. Please be careful in all you do! We'll chat later. 😃😃😃😃😃😂❤❤❤❤❤


JAWTOOTH whats up love your videos brother! Keep them coming


I enjoyed the tours of Franklin and Bargersville, JT. I've heard of Franklin before, but I've never been there. The mixed freight after the tour was excellent! Fairly fast and lots of different types of freight. Thank you, JT. 😀😃😀😃❤❤❤❤


I really liked the dusk shot in Sharonville? It was kind of hard to tell where the gondolas began and ended, but it was a great train! Thank you, my friend. 😃😃😃😃❤❤❤❤


Early.Good morning Brian. Ben Franklin is looking pretty Hip.


Good morning
Awesome video
Thanks for brightening my day.
God bless


Another great morning of train action in Ohio and Indiana with great crossings to watch the trains at, the street tracks going down the middle
of the college campus, abandoned tracks and of course the awesome amazing live action pets with the great music slide show and as always
Thanks Jaw Tooth.🇺🇲🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚂🇺🇲


The coil steel train was fabulous, JT! It had some massive coils on there. The DPU was working hard and sounding awesome! That was so cool 😎 when they put the excavator on the tracks with a high rail set-up! I sure wasn't aware they could do that, but I guess it makes sense. 🙂🙂🙂🙂❤❤❤❤


Looks like northy got into the catnip again you crazy cat 🐱🐱🚂🚃🚃


Jt you are the ultimate foamer you always catch good train s thanks
