Umrah in Ramadan 2025 | Golf cart services | Best Umrah Ever | Kaabah | Masjidil Haram,Makkah

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Umrah in Ramadan 2025 | Golf cart services | Best Umrah Ever | Kaabah | Masjidil Haram,Makkah

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Masha Allah...
Lailahaillallah ❤


Salam sister can you make Dua for me please because this year I have taraweeh namaz and I want to know all my Quran 100%. I also want my Quran to come inside my heart. Make my heart become pure and forget the problems which have happened in the past. Remove my problems, issue, hardships, difficulties and tribulation . Forgive my sins, errors and mistakes. Make everything become easy for me. Give long term memory so I can memorize everything quickly and understand the Quran meaning the difference languages. Make me remember all 6 kalimas and new duas. Make me feel confident and brave for my taraweeh. Remove fear away from my heart. Make me not feel scared, shy, terrified, anxious, nervous or have any anxiety on me. Give me power, strength and energy and remove our weaknesses which we have in life. Remove evil eyes, shaitan, black magic and devil away from our life’s. Make me remember the jummah khutbah and the rules on how to ready namaz. Make me remember the Hadith and the wajibaat on how to perform namaz. In future I want to perform hajj and umrah. Make me become alim e deen and a scholar in future inshallah.


Aslam u alykum sister aap ky bachy Quran pak kidhr prhty hyn


Assalamualikum.. please sis pray for Muhammad.. may ALLAH grant him complete shifa and remove the cancer from the body.. may ALLAH make chemo and radiation therapy easy and make it shifa for him. He is very youn.. i need you dua for him as you are at very holy place.. please pray that may ALLAH do miracle for him and remove cancerous cells and never come back again and bless him with happy life..may he not suffer with pain .may chemo do not damage good cells. ameeen


Mashaallah.. does 100riyals include both tawaf and and saee?


Except should perform tawaf by better than these

You can't get the lutf and kefiyat in these facilities....

The tears full very big nemat


You perform umrah before anya aap register to enter in haram plzz answer me
