what would you build if you had a magic wand?

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a fun lil thought experiment to remind ourselves that building better systems is possible. if we can dream it, we can do it. 💖💖💖
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I like your answer and think mine is along similar lines, though I don't know how to make it happen in practice. Seems like entropy and chaos always lurks around the corner and you can never know exactly what will end up happening... but also that's why I think eventually getting to a viable solution will involve lots of brains thinking about this problem from all sorts of viewpoints. "It takes a village" in a unexpected way...


I would either terraform Mars to make it fully habitable or construct an artificial planet. Once I've completed one or both of these projects, I would proceed with the plan you mentioned. Additionally, I would ensure highly efficient transportation between the planets.


something that would create world peace


A human being occupies not one universe but two, simultaneously. In the first, the physical universe of Copernicus, Planet Earth is in the middle of nowhere and the human being is utterly insignificant. In the second, Planet Earth is the center and the human being is unbounded. Scientists dismiss the second universe because they try to make sense of random thoughts while ignoring or dismissing the predictable quantifiable feelings that motivate the thoughts. How different the situation would be, if Descartes had said "I feel, therefore I exist!".

The human faculty that enables us to explore this boundless universe is called "proprioception". Just as we can enhance our other senses -- e.g., using telescopes, microscopes, etc. -- so too I would like to build a device that enhances proprioception. It is easy to explore and develop this sense, using contemplation, but most people are not interested in learning the technique, so I would give people a machine that exercises their feelings, releases conflicts, and exposes deeper feelings, till people are fully aware of the Miracle of Existence.


I would go raise a chunk of land of about 7 million km² in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, near the equator line. I would feetilize the earth and accelerate the growth of plants and fill the land with wildlife to stablish a sustainable ecosystem, chage the topography of the land so there are multiple thermal floors, make several rivers, and fill the land with multiple mineral resources. I would advertise the land to people and select proper settlers independently of race and origin to colonize the land, stablishing a parliamentary monarchy with me as the king, Develop weapons and stablish military forces, and finally ask other countries to recognize us as the country ideally the US and to be able to enter in the UN.

But a milkshake sounds like a good start.


Honestly, I wouldn't use it, I guess I just want to live however life sends me to, Maybe I become a fully pledged artist perhaps a chemical engineer or a marketing employee
Whatever it is I'm happy for being able to do things by myself and be able to proudly say "I did it by myself" or "I tried"


ever play the first donkey kong game for SNES? tree top town. thats what i would build


I would make myself taller(ik I'm being selfish 😢)


Warp drive engine. Get to alpha Proxima Centauri b in less than a 3 hours.


I'd build a woman who was faithful, never cheated, and was not hypergamous... and was repelled by Chads.


I would like to marry a woman like you❤
