Android Kotlin Easy and Clean way to implement Retrofit API Call using MVVM Architecture (REST API)
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Hello Viewers,
In this Android Tutorials, We are going to clean way of structuring your code using the MVVM architecture in Android Studio without any database. We will use only String array to store our quotes..
In this App, we will demonstrate the GET and POST request of rest api using the retrofit2 library.
Technology: Android Studio
Language: Kotlin
Architecture: MVVM
Libraries: Retrofit2, Dagger Hilt, Navigation, Lottie, okhttp3, kotlinx-coroutines, lifecycle-viewmodel, room-runtime, room-compiler
Here's the specifics of what you will see in the course:
✔ Communicating with a webservice (rest api) using Retrofit2
✔ MVVM Architecture: ViewModel, Repository, Client structure
✔ How to design an architecture
✔ Singletons
✔ Custom Loading Animation ProgressBar in Recyclerview
✔ ViewModels and AndroidViewModels
✔ Multiple View Types in a Recyclerview
✔Observables, LiveData, MutableLiveData and MediatorLiveData
✔ Displaying Images using Glide
✔ CardViews
✔ Passing data between activities using intent extras
✔ Executors and Background Threads
✔ Network Security Config for HTTP (API 28+)
And much more...
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android studio tutorial
In this Android Tutorials, We are going to clean way of structuring your code using the MVVM architecture in Android Studio without any database. We will use only String array to store our quotes..
In this App, we will demonstrate the GET and POST request of rest api using the retrofit2 library.
Technology: Android Studio
Language: Kotlin
Architecture: MVVM
Libraries: Retrofit2, Dagger Hilt, Navigation, Lottie, okhttp3, kotlinx-coroutines, lifecycle-viewmodel, room-runtime, room-compiler
Here's the specifics of what you will see in the course:
✔ Communicating with a webservice (rest api) using Retrofit2
✔ MVVM Architecture: ViewModel, Repository, Client structure
✔ How to design an architecture
✔ Singletons
✔ Custom Loading Animation ProgressBar in Recyclerview
✔ ViewModels and AndroidViewModels
✔ Multiple View Types in a Recyclerview
✔Observables, LiveData, MutableLiveData and MediatorLiveData
✔ Displaying Images using Glide
✔ CardViews
✔ Passing data between activities using intent extras
✔ Executors and Background Threads
✔ Network Security Config for HTTP (API 28+)
And much more...
The more subscribers we get again the better and more content we can
continue making!
⭐️ TAGS ⭐️
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