I Fixed the Dungeons In Minecraft!

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Hate the classic box dungeons? I re-imagined the classic Minecraft Dungeons using jigsaw blocks to add custom structures to Minecraft with no mods using datapacks! And this video is a complete guide from the basic concepts to the technical details of how to make custom structures to Minecraft for yourself!

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People who need to make this datapack for 1 19 and up:
The configured_structure_feature file needs to be renamed to: structure . And the contents of the file itself should look like this:
"type": "minecraft:jigsaw",
"biomes": "minecraft:BIOME HERE",
"step": "surface_structures",
"spawn_overrides": {},
"start_pool": "YOUR START POOL",
size: 6
"start_height": {
absolute: 0
"max_distance_from_center": 80,
"use_expansion_hack": false


This is really cool and actually feels vanilla when a lot of dungeon upgrades don't. However, there is something that is forgotten when people try to upgrade the structure. That is how dungeon are great for early game farms. The structure created here still has that potential but it would be a lot harder to manage with early game gear (iron tools and armor). With that said, I don't think the classic box dungeon should be replaced. Instead, a new type of dungeon or similar structure should be added


I still remember the time when dungeons were the only place in the game to get mossy cobblestone and cocoa beans, which were quite rare at that time. Then crafting recipes for mossy cobblestone were added and cocoa beans could be found in jungles. Now the main reason to search for dungeons are the occasional golden apples or enchanted books in the chests.
They also used to be a lot more common in older versions. There used to be so many of them in caves but now you rarely ever find any at all.


0:28 Being so early, they're treated differently than what we normally think of as structures. With the "Structures Enabled" option turned off in worldgen, Dungeons still spawn, so they're not "structures" technically


this is exactly what i wanted for 1.18 caves and ciffs. they needed to update not only the caves but the structures that came with it. they did do mineshafts, kind of, but dungeons and strongholds should have been addressed. the way you did dungeons is perfect, you deserve to be hired by mojang


What would make this really work well is have log doorways with planks covering the doorway that you need to break open to reveal more of the dungeon and using cracked brick for more locations to mine through


Loved the video! I came away having learned something about the Jigsaw block. I honestly had no idea how they worked, and now I think I'll have to start using them. P.S. I saw myself at 11:28!


I did not expect to learn how to make a datapack from watching this but thank you for that lol I was already interested in learning how to make one


I think an official dungeon upgrade would be great, but I sincerely hope they always keep the classic dungeon in the game too


this was a fascinating watch, and even though I'm not super technically inclined i felt like you did a great job making things easy to understand!!


how does this have so little views??
it was actually extremely useful as im trying to mod new structures into the game


I knew Minecraft had a way of adding custom structures, but having not kept up to date with updates, I didn't realize just how much could be done entirely in-game. I thought that you'd still need an external editor and to manually edit the JSON files. Those new-ish structure blocks are actually really cool!


This is so awesome, I wanna make this myself soon. However I don't recommend having a creeper spawner inside your dungeon. The reason that creeper spawners were removed was because the creepers would destroy the dungeon they spawned in, and they will do the same to your newly designed dungeon if you leave them


Man, this has to be one of my favorite Minecraft tutorials ever, it's really well-explained and very easy to understand, so great job for this, man! I wish more people would see this, because not only that it's informative, it's interesting as well, so you can't get bored by watching it! You got my sub and I hope it helps you a bit (even tho not as much as you've helped me and many others)!


2:50 I think shuffling the array of rooms will work.

With normal randomization your rooms will have a chance to repeat.

With shuffling randomization you will get all the rooms possible without repeating unless you run out. (Reshuffling after that)

I did something like this when I made a roguelike in unity, really cool stuff dude. Maybe mojang hires you to make new dungeon structures it would be really cool.

Also thanks a lot. This also helps me lol


I think it’s hilarious that Mojang revealed a structure a couple weeks back that’s pretty similar to this 😂


This is so cool, I’m gonna use this as inspiration and try and make something myself!!


I definitely think you succeeded at keeping it feeling like the vanilla dungeon with a relatively simple block palette and clearly demonstrated with the gameplay segment that this would actually be fun to explore and poke around. I'd argue this structure is already better than the vanilla Strongholds gameplay wise, though it's always difficult to balance "more monster spawners = more challenge" with that then giving players the opportunity to exploit that for huge mob farms. These seem sparse _enough_ that if you did try to farm them you could probably get 2 spawners running at once, while also having enough and multiple floors to where monsters will be spawning while you're exploring an area you don't think is in range of one (one of the reasons mineshafts can be so dangerous, "hey, why do I hear so many spiders?")


This would be cool as a separate structure, but I think it's important to have small structures with not much use, like dungeons, desert wells, ocean ruins and witch's huts.


This is actually something i thought of recently, so i'm glad Youtube magically recommended me this.

If i do have to be nitpicky, then that would be the rooms feel empty and repetitive, especially the larger ones. One of my thoughts to compensate this would be to add rooms with traps, such as arrow dispensers like the ones you would see at a jungle temple, or parkour sections where you would have to jump over a pit with pointy dripstone at the bottom. Alternatively, you can also add more blocks thats more or less not underground-related. Still would prefer this over the box dungeons.
