Day 3: MELT Sample Class | Lower Body Tension & Pain Relief (MELT Tools Optional)

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On Day 3, you’ll discover a hydrating 30-minute map for relieving hip, knee, and low back pain and a powerful core strengthening technique called the Pelvic Tuck and Tilt Challenge. Keep the positive changes going in your upper body by finishing the whole thing off with the Rebalance and Upper Body Length Sequence and neck release you practiced on Day 2. You can practice this sequence with a rolled-up towel or yoga mat–whichever tool works best for you.

Pro tip: Always perform your Rest Assess before and after this sequence to notice the body-wide changes you created.

LEVEL: Beginner
TOOLS YOU NEED: Towel or Yoga Mat
- Rest Assess
- Modified Pelvic Tuck and Tilt Challenge
- Hip to Heel Press
- Bent Knee Press
- Pelvic Tuck and Tilt Challenge
- Low Back Decompress
- Gentle Rocking
- Pelvic Tuck and Tilt
- 3D Breath Breakdown
- 3D Breath
- Shoulder Blade Reach
- Double Arm Reach
- Neck Turn
- Neck Decompress
- Rest Reassess

Complete the MELT Quick Start for Beginners Series Playlist:


#MELTMethod #MELTBegginer #MELTTreatment #Treatment #Backpain #LowerBackPain #KneePain #HipPain #PainRelief #LowerbodyTreatment #NeckPain #tips #HealthyLiving #Wellness #Healthylifestyle #Therapy #Recovery #Performance #Exercise #Fascia #StuckStress #LengtheningTechniques


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Рекомендации по теме

Melt Method has changed my life! I've gone from constant foot, hip, lower back and neck pain to completely PAIN FREE!! Thank you so much for these videos!!


Amazing, noticing changes already! So exciting 🙏


This was absolutely amazing, i have a slew of issues :( elevated hip, bulging disc l6, toe bone spur, mortons neuroma both feet and arthritis in ball of L foot, wearing custom orthotics. Of course chronic pain overompensating all over comes with this piriformis si joints sciatica numbness tingling, the works. I had a dbl cortisone injection on the si but that was only temp relief. Ive gotten brave again and started exercising working through the pain but still I know I am having blockage issues and constipation in my digestive areas bc I have been so bloated for so long for no good reason at all i eat very healthy and balanced and nutritious food. I was looking for some sort of drainage and this was awesome. when we started my low back was on fire and buttcheeks were not flush with the mat or my tailbone, my hands and shoulder were shaking a lot when we did the arm stretch too, the tuck and tilt seems genius since we all hold so much here. I really hopes this helps with my cleansing of toxins and bloating issue and repairing the tissue run down in my body and foot from arthritis. I feel the fluid draining as well. AMAZING. Thank you so much! Going to drink LOT of water now to replenish


I absolutely loved days 1 + 2 and even did day 2 after I got home from sitting in my wheelchair and was in loads of pain and it really helped things relax, hurt less and feel freed up. However, when I was doing this video I noticed I was bracing more and getting a lot of muscle trembling - in particular doing the ‘tuck and tilt challenge’ move with both knees up. Two days later and both my quads feel very pulled and painful and the muscles in my abdomen and ribcage. I know day 4 uses the same moves so think I went a bit hard on the tuck and knee lengthening in the front of my thighs so I can ease that off easily but it seems like sadly my muscles are just not strong enough at the moment to do the pushing on my knees with both knees up. In fact just having my knees held up and not plopped in to my chest before even starting the tuck and tilt challenge was extremely difficult and hard to hold and I could tell I was bracing and my ribcage was flaring very quickly (constant intercostal pain from bracing/flaring was why I eventually gave up Pilates and I was really excited after day 1+2 that I may have finally found something gentle enough to try and get my already complexly disabled body back in order after two awful health years making me even weaker and in more pain, and am frustrated that I’m too weak to do even the most gentle of things!). Could I do this move with use one leg up at a time then switch sides? Would I then keep the other leg with foot flat on the floor knee bent up or would I lie it out straight in front. I don’t want to end up making any imbalances worse but I think what I’m trying to feel for is deep core engagement?


Hi, Thank you for this series. I am new to MELT and §I thought that this series could be a good way for me to start learning this technique. I am doing this practice with the MELT roller once in the morning and once in the evening starting from Day 1. After doing the Day 3 this morning I notice some pain in my knees that was not there before. During the practice I did not feel any pain, and immediately after I felt great, but 20 min later I felt this pain on the outside of both of my knees. I suppose I might need to correct something in the way I am doing this practice but I don't know what and I would appreciate some advise. Thanks in advance for your care and your help.


If you are new to melting - which items do you suggest purchasing along with your book. There are so many items it is overwhelming! My issues are lowerback and hip flexor pain. I have stenosis in my L4 and L5 which penetrates pain to my hip flexor and sometime down my legs. After doing your program I do feel better, however, it doesn't last.


Hmmm, these are subtle sensations; I’m not sure I did the leg stuff correctly, but I did feel a bit more balanced afterwards.


not sure if i'm in the correct positions and seem to have issues the tuck and tilt and getting it right . i think it helps to view the video fist and then do the practice.Would like to work with a MELT instructor virutally.There is only i instructor i'm know of in Sydney Australia
