How to Cut a Medium Length Layered Haircut Step by Step Tutorial - TheSalonGuy

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#thesalonguy #hairtutorial #haircut
Here is a perfect medium length layered haircut.

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I started TheSalonGuy brand after the passing of my Mother and discovering a role model of mine who has a few books on turning your passion into a business. I have spent the last 20+ years in the salon industry, tech and fashion. I left the industry at some point to become a Fireman and Aux. Police Officer. I did 6 years service and resigned shortly after 9/11.
I have a passion for helping people, educating and motivating. I work with major brands, local businesses and individuals looking to expand and grow.
My videos will be focused on celebrity hairstyles, athletes, models, actors, social media stars and event videos.
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Thank you sooo much for showing us how to cut mid length hair in layers! If only I could get my experienced stylist to watch and follow your technique and instructions! How can I convince her to watch you since she has 23 or more years of experience?!?


I’ll be starting haircut training and I’m bingeing your videos! What a good and generous teacher and artist you are! Thank you!!!❤


I cut my own hair using one of your own tutotials during the pandemic. Now when I go to a salon and they didn't do it right or even, I know I can correct it myself afterwards 😊. Thanks for your in-depth tutorials.


Yes~ would LOVE to get this cut. Maybe I can gently/kindly/sweetly show this post to my stylist....waaaay down the road, after I know her a bit beyond my upcoming first appt Until then, I think I'll stick w/asking for a trim.


This is the exact haircut I have beenlooking for and can't seem to find anyone who can do it. Where are you I need you to cut my hair.


Excellent tutorial. You're an amazing hair stylist and teacher.


A truly amazing haircut!!!Thank you very much for not thinning out the ends🙏🙏🙏That's what I am always looking for I have an abundance of healthy hair that grows like crazy but I don't want the hairdressers to try to thin out the ends🙂


Love this haircut! Yes I enjoyed this video.


OMG, I can't wait to grow my hair out more so I can try it!! But wish I could afford to have you cut my hair, not just that your an amazing stylist but how relaxing and a joy it would be to sit there and feel your hands on my hair! Blessings B, great watch going to check out more 🙏❤


I have curly hair. Not tight, but wavy, loose curls. I find that people tend to cut my hair a little too short, because it shrinks up later. Most of the time I have been cutting it myself. Do you ever demonstrate on curly hair? That would be helpful. P.S. I actually don't always blow my hair out, but scrunch it and allow the loose curls to form on their own.


I have such thick gray hair and have trouble with people knowing how to layer and blend my hair. It has alot of body.
So I have decided to do it myself 🤷‍♀️


Beautiful work. Thank you for sharing.


🎯Dedication to creating a flawless foundation is 100% worth paying a premium for mister~ oh heck yes. Knowing that the grow out will be smooth & even is key, imho~ based on several "crime scene" haircuts over the years. In fact, it's the reason why I've rarely varied from plain jane, mostly one length long hair (shoulderblade/midback). The few times I wanted to be brave & try something different, it never seemed to work out, & I would spend the next 2 yrs growing out a disaster. The last good haircut I recall being happy with was @12 yrs old, when I paid $5 whole dollars of my babysitting money for the "Dorothy Hammell" haircut (1976). At now 58 yrs old, I'd like to do something different~ several somethings even~ yet I'm so gun shy, it stresses me out wondering if I'll get lucky this time w/a solid stylist. I have an appt. Tuesday @2pm~ prayers welcome.=)Samantha in AZ


Wow very nice, i starting to imitate or copying how to cut a hair 😊😊😊


Beautiful haircut, perfect layering !


Gorgeous. I wear wispy bangs in addition to what you have created. My last cut I am extremely disappointed. The layering falls like dog ears around my face. Hoping I can correct this within nine months in time for my son’s wedding. I don’t know what went wrong.


Love the cut
Great job.! 1:02:33 How would you make bangs on this cut?



You make it look so easy! Just got a bad haircut, I’ll be trying this when it grows out 😓 😂


Amazing haircut. Exactly what I want but most hair stylists here in India don't know how to cut hair🙄


Wow! That is awesome! It reminds me of Melania Trump's hair. ❤
