For the woman who has never dated

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It's so much more common than we often hear about. A heart-to-heart today, and if you want to share anything about your experience or story, share in the comments!
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Thank you Emily! I needed this. I'm 37 and never been on a date. I mean, at this point, it hurts more to keep being open minded and hopeful. It's like I have to keep my heart open "just in case", and I'm just tired of it. Like a wound that won't heal. I think once I hit 40, I'm going to close the door to this whole thing. I hate to quit, but it's more painful to keep my heart open forever for something that is outside of my control. Each day I lean more towards full acceptance of my singleness. It is what it is. The important thing is as you said, our worth is not in a man. I am already loved by my heavenly Father and He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is my constant hope, rock and refuge.


I definitely had my own pity party when I turned 33. I've never been dated, kissed, asked out, pursued, none of that. For me, I felt like a complete waste of a human being. Watching SO many younger-than-me adults get asked out was one of the hardest, most gut-wrenching recurring experiences of my life. The countless hours I spent crying out to God "Why not me?" seemed as if it would go on forever. I am still as single as a Pringle, but I'm trusting the Lord and leaning on Him more than my relationship status. It's hard and there are very hard days, but He is good.


This video speaks directly to my situation. I'm 25 years old, a believer, a virgin and I have such a strong desire to marry and have a family of my own. I've never been on a date and have a hard time meeting the right's lonely and frustrating, but I'm trusting in God that if it's meant to happen, it will. Thank you so much for posting this and for everyone out there dealing with the same struggles, please stay encouraged!


I'm about to turn 24 in two days and I struggle a lot with this. Seeing all my friends going on dates and already married really hurts sometimes. It's the loneliness, the fear of thinking, "it's too late already". I mean, I know it's not too late but I can't help comparing myself to other women my age who already have their life settled, while I've never kissed or dated someone. I fear that, perhaps, if I wait too much, I won't be able to have children.

But then, sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I don't see myself capable or mature enough to handle a relationship, taking care of my husband and fully devoting myself. I want to, but I don't think it's the time yet. I need to get closer and rely more on God first, before marrying someone.


My partner was 43 when we met and had never had a relationship. Happy to say we are deeply in love and have been dating for over a year! Keep your heart open. He is the best man I’ve ever known


This is beautiful! 💛 I'm 38 and have never been on a date. I used to think all sorts of awful things, wondered what was wrong, am I not approachable, etc 😞before surrendering to the Lord all aspects of my life, not just my work, finances, but including my relationship status. My worth is not in who I am, but who He is! Amazing response Emily. 🙂


I am a Muslim women, and I love your piety. I relate to this video so much. I have never done anything with a man because it is a sin in my religion, and I’m not upset about that, but the idea of never finding someone is frightening. On the same note tethering myself to the wrong man is just as frightening. God knows best.


I am a 30 year old woman. I’ve been on dates but my first wasn’t until 28 and I’ve never had a boyfriend or been kissed, all that. The struggle to choose joy and surrender to God’s plan is profoundly difficult when you’re aching. And it’s so easy to feel alone when your mother and aunts and sisters and best friends (and like everyone else!) all got married before 25. But I gotta say, this video feels like a precious gift. 💗 This comment section alone is enough to heal wounds. So many lovely women with similar situations makes me feel less like I’m the lone single lady.
By God’s grace, I find my worth in him and the path he’s set me on. This journey of life is weird, but it’s made beautiful if we focus on what God wants us to DO for him and less on what isn’t happening TO us.
Thank you, Emily for shedding light on this topic. You’re right, it’s not talked about enough.


I've been on a date, but I'm a 43 year old black woman who's never been in a long-term relationship. I don't have much dating experience, but I've been disappointed by men who I've encountered that seem to be more interested in sex than having a relationship. There was a period where I was upset at God. However, I accept God's ultimate will for my life (but I do hope it includes marriage)! I remain optimistic and continuously pray for a husband and that God develop traits within me that will help me to be a good Christian wife. Most importantly, I know that I'm loved and special regardless of my relationship status. (:


I’m 28, a man, and I also struggle with dating and finding a woman in my life. I’m not here to complain, I just wanted the ladies to know that men struggle too, and that it is comforting to see that there are women in my position in life as well who would understand.

I will admit, I wish church culture would do more to recognize how many people really struggle with just finding someone in their life, and did more to try to bring the younger generations together in dating. I especially wish the church would cater more to bring younger men in to help even the devide.


Hi.. I stumbled upon this conversation. I am the mom of 27 year old sons that are dealing with this. It is so hard as a parent too... My sons are deeply devoted to the Lord, and praying for God to send them a godly woman to walk this journey with.. it's so hard for them to even know where to meet women in this crazy culture we live in..


This was so encouraging! Thank you!! I'm 29, never dated, and am actually very at peace with being single and feel like this is where the Lord wants me right now. But it is definitely so easy to start thinking, "what is wrong with me??". So thank you for the reminder of how loved I am (and everyone is) by God, and that my relationship status has absolutely nothing to do with my worth. :)


Thank you for this. I’m 42 and I’ve been on a few dates but I’ve never had a relationship and I’m still a virgin and this is a wonderful message you are sending.


Thank you for this!! I really needed this, I'm 32 and never dated, never been approached, it's been hard at times.


Thank you so much for sharing this am 30 years old never been dated, kissed or had a boyfriend. This is something I had to hear


I'm 28 and never dated. I really want a special guy in my life. I know he is out there.


"Opening up the pool to more people magnifies the amount of heartache" amen! Let's say that one again. ❤️❤️


Such a great reminder! I have definitely struggled with this especially since I was so convinced I wanted to get married young. Now at 23 and never having dated I feel soooo behind and like no man will take me seriously. I think it was beautifully put that we need to recognize we are first loved unconditionally by God.


This is the first video of yours I watched, and I can't thank you enough! I turned 22 a week ago, and never had a real date, a real boyfriend, or even a first kiss. I always had crushes, but none of them ever saw me as gf material. This video was so uplifting, and adding the fact that it also has Christian beliefs makes this 100x stronger. Thank you, and God Bless You.
