Law School Horror Stories

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Just how traumatic is law school?

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Рекомендации по теме

I love how they say "you don't miss class in law school" and then proceed to tell two stories where they missed class. 😂


Law students operate on constant fear of failure and humiliation


I have a law School Horror Story it's called "I am currently a Law School student".


It would be cool to make this a series and do it with different types of school: Med, vet, communications, engineering, etc


They omitted the trauma and humiliation caused by other students who volunteer to answer the questions you couldn’t even understand


The fact that we normalize this huge levels of stress is a bit worrying. But also, now I know I'm not the only law school student living constantly terrified and on the verge of tears.


As someone who has recently become a university teacher, calling out random people during classes/lectures is literally the WORST way to get students to pay attention.

You're motivating the students through fear, which studies show actually decreases the knowledge retained from a class. You need to INSPIRE students to WANT to learn your material. Not just put people on the spot and embaras them into memorizing material.


*I cry when I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets and you're telling me to go to law school?*


How to succeed in law school:
1. Don't go right after undergrad. Work a few years in the legal field and then decide if you still really want to go. If you still go, you'll be more mature and you'll have some background knowledge from your time working in the legal field. Might give you better opportunities for jobs later on as well.
2. Unless you want to work at a big firm in NYC, you don't need to go to a fancy school. Go to a modest state school so you don't incur six figures of debt.
3. Just do the reading and go to class.
4. Eat healthy and get enough sleep. Cannot stress this enough. Make the time for these two things.

You'll be fine. Relax. It's not that bad if you just keep a level head.


i get nervous just walking through harvard yard alone. And I'm not even a student there


i’m in med school and i’ve been publicly humiliated in front of a row of specialists and hundreds of students in an auditorium because i couldn’t answer a question from a case I had to present. LMAO I’m fine.


In Med school, we had this anatomy exam where you had to walk to 16 different booths, and write down the name of two pointed out structures of body parts laying in a bowl of each booth. There would just be legs and arms and heads cut in half, laying around the exam room in bowls. I felt sick, mostly from being nervous, but also from feeling like I was in a saw movie. Didn't help that the exam room was in the basement with no windows - and the smell. You have two minutes at each booth before having to move forward in the line, and when you reach the last one, you're escorted to an auditorium, where you have to wait till 5 pm to be released, with no electronics whatsoever, so ensure no one can text the students who are entering after you, and spill the beans on what kind of structures are on the exam. We were 250 students who had to do that exam that day. When released, the correct answers was hung on the outside of the auditorium doors, and people rushed out like crazy. Before I could grasp my own situation and go check the answers, I saw people everywhere just balling their eyes out, learning they'd failed. It's particularly heartbreaking, because this class was one of the hardest at the university, and people hadn't seen sunlight, friends and family for 2 months, in preparation for it. University is hard man


I'm in law school in South Africa, and it's exactly the same ! There is no fear greater then when your professor makes eye contact with you, and you know you have NO IDEA, what is going on. Tips we use in order to avoid being called : No bright clothing; no prints on clothes; no hats, glasses or any big accessories.


can I just say those two girls are so pretty?


Um it's illegal to be that pretty wtf


They should do commentary/critic what Legally Blonde got right or wrong.


My first law school exam you could hear people sobbing. I ran into men’s room and started crying and freaking out until I heard another guy crying. I pulled myself together and passed the test.


they should do Medical School Horror Stories


this doesn’t sound like legally blonde...


i've cried more in law school than i have in relationships
