Nuclear fission. Creation of Nuclear Power & Nuclear Weapons. Explained Simply!

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Nuclear fission is a process, in which an atom's nucleus splits into two or more smaller nuclei, releasing a significant amount of energy in the process. A heavy atom's nucleus, such as that of uranium-235, or plutonium-239, is commonly bombarded with neutrons to achieve this.

A nucleus that has taken in a neutron, becomes unstable, and quickly breaks apart into two smaller nuclei, known as fission products. Two or three more neutrons are also released during this process, along with a sizable quantity of kinetic energy, and gamma radiation energy.

The liberated neutrons may then collide with other atomic nuclei, setting off a series of events. These impacts have the potential to maintain a self-sustaining chain reaction, which can lead to a substantial energy release, if the conditions are controlled properly.

Both nuclear electricity, and nuclear weapons, are made possible by the enormous amount of energy released during nuclear fission.The heat produced by fission processes in nuclear power plants, is utilised to create steam, which powers turbines to produce electricity. Nuclear weapons, on the other hand, use uncontrolled fission processes, to produce a massive explosion, by releasing a lot of energy.

Nuclear fission is a very detailed, and complex process that needs to be carefully controlled, to avoid unintended outcomes, and potential hazards, such as the discharge of radioactive waste, or damaging radiation.

The nuclear fission process can be broken down into these detailed steps.
1. Neutron Absorption. A free neutron, collides with the nucleus of a heavy atom, such as uranium-235, or plutonium-239, which results in neutron absorption, thus creating a composite nucleus, that is incredibly unstable.

2. Compound Nucleus. As a result of the neutron's absorption, the compound nucleus is in an excited state. This condition normally lasts for a very brief period of time.

3. Nuclear fission is a process, that the highly energised compound nucleus goes through. It divides into two or more fission pieces, which are smaller nuclei, known as fission fragments. These pieces typically differ in size, and have a variety of atomic masses.

4. Neutron Release. Two or three neutrons are also released along with the fission pieces. These neutrons can trigger more fission processes, and start a chain reaction, because they normally have high energy.

5. Energy Release. A vast quantity of energy is released during fission, in the form of gamma radiation, as well as the kinetic energy of the fission fragments. E=mc squared, the famous equation, by Albert Einstein,states that the conversion of mass, produces the energy.

6. Chain Reaction. Depending on the circumstances, the released neutrons may strike other heavy nuclei, causing them to split as well. As a result, a self-sustaining chain reaction is created, in which each fission event releases more neutrons, which then cause other fission reactions.

7. Control and Moderation. It's crucial to control the quantity, and energy, of neutrons, in order to maintain a controlled chain reaction. This is accomplished by utilising moderators, such as water or graphite, which slow the neutrons, and increase their likelihood of causing fission.There is also usage of control rods, which absorb extra neutrons.

In general, the nuclear fission process entails the absorption of a neutron, by a heavy atom, the subsequent splitting of the nucleus into smaller fragments, the release of energy, and extra neutrons, and the possibility of a self-sustaining chain reaction, provided the conditions are managed properly.

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