Character Showdown: 2000s Nickelodeon Edition

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Welcome to the biggest thing yet on the channel! The characters of iCarly, Drake and Josh, Victorious and Zoey 101 are put into a 64 character bracket and over the next months, you will decide you the best character of them all is!
Third Wind TikTok:
Third Wind Instagram:
#icarly #victorious #drakeandjosh
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drake and josh,drake & josh,drake bell,drake and josh reunion,josh and drake,drake and josh beef,drake and josh scene,drake and josh megan,drake and josh reboot,drake,drake and josh fall out,drake and josh moments,are drake and josh friends,drake and josh megan moments,drake and joish jokes,drake and josh dora,drake and josh drama,best of drake and josh,drake and josh season 1,and,best drake and josh scenes,alex meyers drake and josh
Third Wind TikTok:
Third Wind Instagram:
#icarly #victorious #drakeandjosh
icarly,new icarly,carly shay,icarly 2021,icarly reboot,carly,icarly revival,best of icarly,icarly scenes,original icarly,icarly full episodes,icarly funny moments,icarly kiss,icarly episodes,carly and freddie,icarly sam,old icarly,icarly funny,carly and nevel,icarly season 2,freddie and carly,icarly theme song,sam puckett icarly,icarly butter sock,i carly,carlys mom icarly,icarly compilation,sam icarly,icarly mom
victorious,best of victorious,victorious compilation,victorious full episodes,victorious songs,victoryous,ariana grande victorious,victorious clips,victorious scenes,victorious karaoke,victorious nickelodeon,victorious reunion,victorious theme song,victorious characters,victorious weird foods,victorious funny moments,victorious 5 minute episodes,cat victorious,jade victorious,victorious jade,victorious kiss,victorious char,victorious part 2
zoey 101,zoey 101 reboot,zoey 101 nick,zoey 101 reunion,zoey,zoey 101 full episodes,zoey brooks,zoey 101 show,zoey 101 cast,zoey and chase,zoey 101 follow me,zoe 101,alexa nikolas zoey 101,zoey 101 theme song lyrics,zoey 101 2021,zoey nick,zoey show,chase zoey 101,zoey 101 chace,zoey 101 chase,zoey 101 scenes,zoey 101 lyrics,zoey 101 sketch,zoey 101 firsts,zoey 101 season,zoey 101 tv show,zoey 101 cameos,zoey 101 moments
drake and josh,drake & josh,drake bell,drake and josh reunion,josh and drake,drake and josh beef,drake and josh scene,drake and josh megan,drake and josh reboot,drake,drake and josh fall out,drake and josh moments,are drake and josh friends,drake and josh megan moments,drake and joish jokes,drake and josh dora,drake and josh drama,best of drake and josh,drake and josh season 1,and,best drake and josh scenes,alex meyers drake and josh