Coated Acoustic Guitar Strings: D'Addario XS vs. Elixir Nanoweb

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In this video, Chris explores the established, default Elixir Nanoweb (used often in Taylor Guitars) with the new D'addario XS string. D'addario has recently come out with this newly extremely thin string using phosphor bronze, .12-.53 (that compares much more closely with the Elixir Nanoweb). Learn how these thin, coated strings compare in durability, experience, and performance. Plus, listen as Chris does a demo of each string using a Taylor 814ce Guitar!

0:00 Intro/Specs
8:03 Elixir Demo 1
8:27 D'Addario Demo 1
9:02 Elixir Demo 2
9:31 D'Addario Demo 2
10:01 Elixir Demo 3
10:52 D'Addario Demo 3
11:40 Final Thoughts


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I hear the D’Addario strings having better clarity and note separation than the Elixirs. I definitely want to try the D’Addario strings for sure.


I waited until I'd tried the XSs before I made this comment. I'm a huge D'Addario fan, I've used their strings almost exclusively for 25 years on my electrics as they just seem to last for ages and never corrode and always sound fantastic. Their Acoustic strings though have never really worked for me and once Elixir came along it was game over. So I was really keen to try these new XS strings. I've now gone thru two sets on my Martin and I have to say - nah! They are very average. I changed out the first set after two weeks as I thought maybe I had a bung set on. Nope, the new set was just as lack-luster. To be be fair, they are not bad strings, but compared to the Elixir they lack clarity and definition. The first thing I noticed was how dull they sounded straight out of the box - not a good sign (some may say that's "warmth", not dullness :-) but...). The Elixirs, if I have one criticism, would be that they are a little too bright straight out of the box, but that brightness settles down after an hour and from then on they are very balanced. The XSs just started off dull and never had any real oomph to them . But I persisted with the XSs until I wore them out just so I could see how they lasted compared to the Elixirs - which is of course what we all want to know. They don't last as long- despite being assured by the salesman at the shop that they are amazing and last forever...they don't. They got very noticeable marks at the fret positions showing that the windings were deforming. Running your finger up the string you can feel them, domp domp domp on the end of your finger (Domp is a word I just made up :-) ). The sound slowly degrades in a way the Elixirs don't. The Elixirs can be covered in fur and they still sound above average and better than the XSs to my ear. The XSs started to show signs of wear pretty quickly and just crapped out! To be honest, I was expecting more from the XSs, Now I understand that this is a highly subjective area and if the XSs work for you and you love them, sweet. They just don't work for me and I'm back with the Elixirs and my guitar has got it's mojo back :-)


I put the XS on my Martin OM-28 on June 29, 2021. It's December 15, 2021 today and they're finally dead. So they lasted almost 6 months of nearly daily playing.


I've exclusively used D'addario on my acoustics my whole life, anytime I've tried anything else I've always gone back (I guess in general we all stick mostly with what we're familiar). Ready to admit a big part of my preference might be bias, but after watching this I realize there really is a noticeable difference.


I tried the daddatios and slightly preferred the sound, but idk how but my sweat just ate through them and in 4 weeks the strings were fully green
Elixirs last me 3 months, easy choice for me


The D'addario sound better to my ears. A fuller tone overall. Listened to this, on professional headphones. Thanks for the comparison!


I think in order to make a true comparison, you need to listen through high quality headphones. I did exactly that, and TO ME the D’Addarios were hands down clearer and the tonal range also had clearly more depth. They even had a bit more sustain, with an ability to produce that slight harmonic you hear when a string is tuned perfectly. The Elixers sounded a bit “tinny” with excess high residual noise. Of course, what “sounds good” to each person is subjective. I believe that good sound should have clarity, a pure and distinct difference in tone at each string sounding, a little bell sounding in the highs, and a slight rumble in the lows, with even modulation across the strings. Now the matter of string life is yet to be determined, and is also going to be different according to a persons playing style and oil/chemical presence on their hands. I would suggest washing hands right before playing, wiping strings down after, and write down the date you put the strings on, on the package and keep it in your case for that guitar. That way you can keep a record and make a comparison on longevity after about six months. ‘Just my opinion, for what it’s worth.


At first with the XS I was not impressed but i went ahead and played them heavy for a week and they really opened up and sound amazing. I usually run bluegrass strings from d'addario but they only have that perfect sound for about 3 days of heavy playing for me. So far the xs had lasted 3 weeks and have maintained that perfect d'addario sound that came along after the first week. I just bought some elixirs im gonna throw on to see if i like them better. I have not used elixirs in 15yrs. I have a sneaky feeling the XS take the better sound category.


I switched to the D'addarios about three sets ago on my Taylor 816ce. Love them! As with this demo... the D'ads are 1- more even sounding 2- not as over the top bright 3- better articulation 4- better low end. I recently purchased a Taylor Mini-Plus Koa. Beautiful guitar for fingerstyle. I will be restringing it with the D'Addarios as soon as possible.
With the D'Addarios ... I get from 4 to 5 gigs out of each set. With the Elixirs... I get 2 gigs. With uncoated strings I almost never got more than one gig!!
I really like the D'Addarios!
If you are an electric guitar player too, try their New York steel strings. Love them as well!!


I just put the D'darrio XS on my Simon and Patrick CH. They are brighter than the uncoated ones that came with the guitar. They hold tuning quite well. They have a nice slick, clean feel. I have the Elixir Nanoweb on my Yamaha. I prefer the XS at this time.


As a long time(10 years) Elixir user, both for Electric and Acoustic... D'addario here clearly wins at deep, rich clarity, which is similar to Elixir's full, soft, rich tones. It is *not* my preference, but it's definitely beautiful sounding.


D'addario have a slightly warmer tone compared to the Elixer which has a brighter tone, rather plasticy when strummed hard. I wonder if the D'addario will flake later in its life like the Elixer.


I’ve played Elixirs since they first came out. When purchasing strings and my LMS was out, I tried the D’addario’s and really like them. I can hear a difference—the fundamental is slightly more pure; it’s a bit less chimey; I hear less of clashing overtones; and the feel of the unwound strings is slightly smoother.


2:45 I’ve used one set and went to D’Addario strings because of the colored ball ends I love it


I'm an elixir devotee, but I really liked those d'addarios XS even if the difference was subtle. I'd be happy to try them if the chance arose. I'd definitely want to see how they lasted long term.


I can't decide which I like better. I'd like to try both myself and see which I think feels better on my guitar.


I love this guy! Such a great and informative video!


Elixirs are brighter and ring out more. D’addarios have more base and don’t ring out as much, with less sustain. I think it’s more about preference in this case. Both sound really good. I’m partial to the Elixirs in a Taylor. Would like to see this test done on a Martin as well I think the D’addarios would probably fit the Martin sound better.


Bought the XS strings for my Gibson. Nice sound and feel but lasted 4 weeks before the G string frayed and dulled (fingerpicking only). £20 in the UK, will go back to Elixir, as Chris rightly says not much in them so it's all about longevity and price.


I love the D'Addario XS (and XT) strings!
