Adopting a dog from a high kill shelter (who had only moments left to live)

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Rescuing Luna 🌙 and a look into what it's like volunteering at the animal shelter!
0:00 intro
0:51 about the dog
1:41 arriving at the shelter
2:50 she's safe!
4:47 getting comfortable at my house
6:41 she would've been killed
8:15 she's ready for her new home!
10:21 she made it safely!
11:23 my crazy rabbit
12:49 a heart to heart message
15:27 what it's like volunteering at the animal shelter
17:04 finding peace to keep going
Volunteer with Wufaw!
Instagram: @wufaw_official
Epidemic Sound
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Thank you for not bashing the shelter. Kill shelters are NOT the problem. They're the ones left trying to manage an impossible situation made by other people.


I had a very similar situation. Found a GSD at a county shelter (high kill) who was super friendly. However, she had mange and a hernia and was already scheduled to be euthanized the next day. I spent the day trying to convince them to let me adopt her. Went back the next day to make sure they did not do the eu-deed. Finally on my 3rd trip, they decided to let me keep her. Two days later their vet fixed her up, including the hernia. Two days after she went home with me. Had her for 11 years.


As someone from a country with high animal rights and protection (Germany) it’s terrifying to know that there are countries where animals get killed in shelters. Shelters are supposed to be safe spaces where dogs can stay a foreseeable time while they wait for a new home.❤




the way other dogs eyes were longing for a home it tears my heart i just hope all the dog in this world get full love and a home where they will be taken care


The fact that you can do this while grieving shows me how truly beautiful you are inside and out. I will pray for good homes for these fur babies.❤


My wife and I went to an adoption fair. I arrived at the fair organization and asked "what is the worst case you have?". They chatted a little, offering the beautiful animals that were there at the fair. But I insisted. And had. Our darling is called Brave, with two degenerative diseases and a history of domestic violence. Many hospitalizations, medicines, care and more or less 5 months to live. 2 weeks later my other dog passed away from complications due to old age, his name was Zuma. Both very loved and cherished. Just do it. I don't do it for me, I do it for them. Stop negotiate with excuses.


So heartbreaking seeing those dogs waiting for their last chance...I'd break down crying.


OMG that german shepherd is beautiful! currently I have 15 dogs, 11 of them are fosters from high kill shelters, pulled from the euthanasia list at the last minute. You can tell every*single*day how grateful they are with me, their smiles are everything anyone could ask for. They know they got a second chance at life, and they let me know how thankful they are.


Totally agree. California NEEDS to do way more to help these animals. Much stricter spay/neuter laws and crack down on backyard breedersThanks for showing just a fraction of what goes on in California shelters.


I live near the Riverside Shelter, I often volunteer there and it completely breaks my heart when I see those pups. My parents recently decided to adopt a dog from there, and one of them looked like her kennelmates! Sending love from California ❤


I instantly cried when I saw all these dogs in their kennels, who couldn't come with you. But I'm so happy that you rescued, that precious girl. Wish you all the best. You two are going to have a lot of adventures and fun in the future.


After our two fur babies passed we adopted from the local shelter. $35 save the life of Ms Maple Bar. The sweetest and most joyful and dog loving German Shep I’ve ever seen. She’s so smart too!!


You can be an animal lover without being a vegan. Ignore the militant vegans trying to guilt shame you. You do what is most important for you, which is volunteering for shelter dogs, which is an amazing thing to do. Thank you for helping the dogs.


So many say this. I adopted an American Bulldog from Baltimore City SPCA that was to be euthanized in 4 days time. Therefore, her adoption fee was reduced to $1. That was the best dollar I ever spent. She was 6 when I got her and left us 4 years later. It wasn't enough time. She was my favorite dog of all time. I miss her every day. The shelters are overwhelmed. People have to do better! These are living, breathing, loving beings that are not disposable! I've rescued over 18 dog's in my lifetime, usually having5-6 at a time trying help clean up the mess that humans created!


We adopted a dog from a killing station (they're very rare in EU but they exist) and this was the most insane dog I ever met. She would not let you touch her at all or she'll probably bite you. She would defend resources like crazy and she couldn't stop peeing inside.
We had her for 10 years and we loved her a lot. Sure she made some improvements but some things we could never change. The people at the shelter told us about her life as a street dog in Spain and then she got adopted but she already defended her resources. The new owners staring beating her to make her stop but it only got worse so they gave her back to the shelter. She never got adopted again and she was very aggressive in the shelter environment so they made the decision to give her to the killer station. We actually wanted to get a "normal" shelter dog but my Mom just couldn't leave her there so we took her instead. It was 10 crazy years, in the beginning she bit all of us but she started to trust us more and more. When I was a teenager we sat in the garden and I read stories to her because she didn't like to be touched still.
She died of old age in 2015. RIP my little girl. I'm so happy you could live with us.


I saw on Instagram one day where Ikea in Italy open their doors to stray dogs for the winter and people who were shopping at IKEA decided to adopt dogs there while they also shop to buy their furniture. I wish large stores across the nation such as big chain grocery stores would do an adoption event once a month. There are so many people who go grocery shopping with their families who are thinking about adoption. It would be a one stop shop where families can shop for groceries and also adopt a pet. This would help relieve many animal shelters as well as reduce stray dogs roaming around in neighborhoods. I remember when I was little my dad took me to K-Mart and there would always be someone who brought kittens there for free and that’s how we got our first pet. If Ikea can do this is in Italy, local stores could do the same to help many animals needing a home, but I don’t think stores in America would?!


A few years ago I saw the HBO documentary "one nation" : dogs. They showed how a kill shelter works without censoring. That film devastated me emotionally. I will never watch that again. It is soul crushing for the people that work there. The dogs know what is about to happen to them, and you can see it in their eyes. You did a wonderfull thing by adopting, thank you.


We need more people like you in this world ❤


Here's a comment to boost the algorithm! Thank you for taking care of those sweet pets. Take care :)