ArcoLinux : 3607 Build an Ariser iso with ArcoLinux Application Glade and install it

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I've learned so much over the last month thanks to you and Arco. Thanks so much!


Wow! This is so cool. I was looking for this. It is hard for me to reinstall my dev env with all those packages for my software development work whenever I fresh install an os. I have to learn this stuff. I saw ChimeraOS and when the alice script was running, here we see verbose but in ChimeraOS it shows a logo and at the bottom a progress bar i think, or text, just like win10/11 post install config setup screen, you know, windows is configuring your machine or something like that. I wonder which package does that? I know plymouth is to show the post systemd loading screen after sddm login in garuda. But the one I'm talking about ChimeraOS is way before that and it shows only when the os installs. Again, a very very useful and awesome video. Thanks Erik!


when I tipp "Y" after "Shall we start the alis spript?" I run in a mount error "Auto device is ambigous, /dev/sda and /dev/nvme0n1
