Lesson 6: Password Hash | Bug Bounty Training | Highest Payable IT Job | Security Testing Training

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Hello Friends, welcome to the Bug Bounty Tutorials series, I will teach you everything you need to become a bug bounty hunter.
In this bug bounty course, you will learn how to get started with bug bounty tutorial.
watch my bug bounty training channel from lesson 0 to get indepth knowledge to find 100+ security issues in a web application.
I will teach you bug hunting tricks and tips to find hundreds of issues in each web application.
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thank you for the free course... i got some idea now about web most of them directly jump into core... but you are awesome started with basics ... i dont find voice problem here... you are doing well..


Very hard to fix these issues. Can you share the updated project files. stuck in fixing these issues and unable to move to next video


Hi Uday, I couldnt find this application at all in github. So can you post the links here


would this SQL commands fix the issue you had back there?
update register set id=1 where name='0';
update register set id=2 where name='qq';
update register set id=3 where name='zz';
alter table `register` add primary key(`id`);
alter table `register` change `id` `id` INT(11) not null auto_increment;
