Jesus' Alarming Warning About The End Times | Pastor Allen Nolan Sermon

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Embark on a riveting exploration of Jesus' prophetic warnings about the end times with Pastor Allen Nolan in this captivating sermon. With profound clarity and deep theological insight, Pastor Nolan unpacks the significance of Jesus' teachings, shedding light on the signs and signals of the impending end of days. Through compelling storytelling and practical application, viewers are equipped to navigate the complexities of our modern world in light of biblical prophecy. Join us as we delve into the timeless wisdom of Jesus' words, empowering believers to stand firm in faith and preparedness amidst the uncertainty of the times.
Welcome to the Cornerstone Fellowship with Pastor Allen Nolan YouTube channel! It’s all about Jesus! On our channel, you’ll learn about the Bible, faith, and practical Christian living from Pastor Allen biblically based sermons. We cover topics such as the end times, angels & demons, Jesus and his role in our lives, Christianity vs. other faith traditions and many other in-depth studies of Scripture!
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I love this pastor .. he's so great ... Pastor Allen .. My dad past recently and when that happened I turned on YouTube and his sermon came on .. The minute you die .. I was so moved .. i cried and cried .. thank you its like i needed to hear that sermon ..


This pastors videos got me through the death of my husband who passed from cancer 4 months ago We have two sons ages 5 and 4, I had to come back and say Thank you I made it this far and learned alot from your videos, I look forward to watch more now that I found your channel again God bless the pastors who teach the true gospel ✝️🙏


This pastor is such a great Bible teacher. I really like to listen to him. Eschatology has me so very fascinated! I am anxiously awaiting this next big step when our Savior comes to get us!❤


They only thing I have to add is. When the rapture does happen is! The ones that were brought up hearing and being taught about Jesus and the Lord but denyed Jesus as their Lord and savior will know exactly what has happened! And be scared like never before! JMO Ask me how I know this! About 30 years ago I was driving home about 29 yo from doing things I shouldnt be doing and inebriated and had a feeling I did miss it and left behind! I drove home very fast to see if Grandma the one that taught me was still here! What a life awakening moment!


Praying for you Pastor Allen to continue speaking the truth of God's word by the power and authority of the Holy Spirit.


Pastor Allen, I adore you. Your faith, has changed my life! Because of you and your teachings, and of course the Holy Spirit, and Jesus and God, I have found my way to Jesus Christ and salvation! With every teaching I am closer to sanctification! You sir, need to take care of yourself! I don’t know if others tell you this or not, but I am going to, because I don’t know how many times I have heard you talk about your mama and how much she wanted to partake in the rapture, and how much you do, as well! Your body is a temple, and I know you have health problems, I can relate, which is why I am saying this… Some days I don’t think I can even get up - but by the grace of God, I do. So, stop making excuses, and tell your wife to stop killing slowly with all that cooking! Enough is enough! We need you and all your teachings! You have a flock to lead!! Take care of yourself. ❤❤


Oh, boy! Is Pastor Nolan ever right about deception. It is everywhere, in practically everything. Finding truth in ordinary circumstances gets harder and harder to find. Worst of all is that condition in churches. Then there’s the tragedy of lies and half truths in schools. Keep preaching the truth, Pastor; this world needs you.


You are so amazing, you are the only pastor I watch . Thank you so much for explaining things so I can understand ☺️. May God bless you 🙏.


Thank you Pastor Nolan. I love how you teach. I'm so grateful that you obeyed God and became His servant. You are a true blessing to me and I'm sure to others as well.


We're one day closer to Lord Jesus Christ coming for his people. Tomorrow maybe that day. If not, it's one day closer . Praise


Thank you Pastor Allen. Ive learned so much from you. God bless you


Thank you Pastor Nolan. May the Glory of the Lord`s spirit fill our hearts and bless us each day.

End days are here. I would say that started about the First World War. We are already in the prophetic season. Yet people choose to ignore the signs. Bitter will become sweet, sweet will become bitter. Lovers of money. Nations fighting nations. Power struggles. Environmental disasters. An all-out destruction fueled by devastating high-tech wars. We are but on the cusp of these times. Yet people choose to ignore the signs.

We have arrived at that uncomfortable point where profit and morality are in conflict. Yet people choose to ignore the signs.

Thank you Pastor Nolan for your good work on this channel.


This is one of the greatest Pastors I’ve ever listen to.


There upon us get as close as possible to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


Thank you for your excellent, understandable Bible teaching


God bless you brother. I have been trying to tell people this, showing them the scripture plainly shows it and they would refuse to see it and listen to the Holy Spirit tells them


I’m definitely going back to the OLIVET Discourse. Thank you! Amen! I won’t be here after the Rapture! Praise God!


Thank you Pastor Allen for your teaching


Pastor Allen, you explain things so perfectly! In these couple of weeks I've learnt some extremely valuable and important messages.
And I want to thank you.
Always be blessed


Thank you so much Pastor for this clear, literal translation. I Praise God for your teachings!
