Hydrograph| Components of Hydrograph| Rising & Recession Limb | Crest| Peak Flow| Concentration Time

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#Hydrograph #Componentsofhydrograph #hydrology #gtu_exam
A hydrograph is a graph showing the rate of flow (discharge) versus time past a specific point in a river, channel, or conduit carrying flow. The rate of flow is typically expressed in cubic meters or cubic feet per second (cms or cfs). Hydrographs often relate change of precipitation to change of discharge over time
checkout the video listed below with link for better understanding:
Hydrograph| Components of Hydrograph| Rising & Recession Limb | Crest| Peak Flow| Concentration Time
Recording Rain Gauge | Automatic Rain Gauge | Weighing bucket| Tipping Bucket| Float Type Rain Gauge
Non Recording Rain gauge | Symon's Rain gauge | IMD Rain gauge | How Rainfall is Measured |Raingauge
Watershed | Catchment Area | Drainage Basin | Precipitation Area || What is Watershed in Hydrology ?
Hydrology & Hydrologic Cycle | Rainfall, Runoff, Evapotranspiration Infiltration in Hydrologic Cycle
Type 3: Phi Index & W Index sum| Rainfall intensity & Phi index given| Find Runoff & W Index| Windex
Type 2 : Phi & W index sum | When Rainfall rate or intensity & Runoff is given | Phi Index & W Index
Type 1: Phi index sum| when Precipitation & Runoff is given| find phi index & W index| Phi & W index
Type 4: Phi index & W index solved MCQ of 2 Mark| Find Runoff, Phi index & W index Example| GPSC MCQ
W Index | Infiltration Index | Difference between Phi index & W index in detail | Hydrology || GPSC
Phi Index | Infiltration Index | Infiltration Indices | Hydrology | Phi index assumption | GPSC MCQ
Infiltration Index| Infiltration Indices| Why infiltration rate is assumed constant| Hydrology| GPSC
Lacey's theory Design step | Design step for Lacey's theory of canal Design | GPSC MCQ Question
Lacey's sum | Type 1 when Silt factor is given & Side slope is 1/2 : 1 | Lacey's Design of canal
Lacey's sum |Type 2 When silt factor is not given & side slope is different | Lacey's solved example
Canal Design by Kennedy's theory Numerical || Type 2 method example of Kennedy's theory with details
Design of Channel by Kennedy's theory || Type 1 Kennedy's solved example with detail design steps
Design of Non Alluvial Channel Numerical with design steps || Canal Design for Non alluvial soil
Design of lined canal | Solved Example of Design of Trapezoidal and Triangle section lined canal
Water Requirement of crop Numerical || Consumptive use, Outlet Discharge, Delta & Design Discharge
Water requirement of crop Numerical || Sum of Discharge Required and Required capacity of Reservoir
Important question for GTU Irrigation engineering exam on 25/01/2021 || GTU 7th sem winter exam 2020
A hydrograph is a graph showing the rate of flow (discharge) versus time past a specific point in a river, channel, or conduit carrying flow. The rate of flow is typically expressed in cubic meters or cubic feet per second (cms or cfs). Hydrographs often relate change of precipitation to change of discharge over time
checkout the video listed below with link for better understanding:
Hydrograph| Components of Hydrograph| Rising & Recession Limb | Crest| Peak Flow| Concentration Time
Recording Rain Gauge | Automatic Rain Gauge | Weighing bucket| Tipping Bucket| Float Type Rain Gauge
Non Recording Rain gauge | Symon's Rain gauge | IMD Rain gauge | How Rainfall is Measured |Raingauge
Watershed | Catchment Area | Drainage Basin | Precipitation Area || What is Watershed in Hydrology ?
Hydrology & Hydrologic Cycle | Rainfall, Runoff, Evapotranspiration Infiltration in Hydrologic Cycle
Type 3: Phi Index & W Index sum| Rainfall intensity & Phi index given| Find Runoff & W Index| Windex
Type 2 : Phi & W index sum | When Rainfall rate or intensity & Runoff is given | Phi Index & W Index
Type 1: Phi index sum| when Precipitation & Runoff is given| find phi index & W index| Phi & W index
Type 4: Phi index & W index solved MCQ of 2 Mark| Find Runoff, Phi index & W index Example| GPSC MCQ
W Index | Infiltration Index | Difference between Phi index & W index in detail | Hydrology || GPSC
Phi Index | Infiltration Index | Infiltration Indices | Hydrology | Phi index assumption | GPSC MCQ
Infiltration Index| Infiltration Indices| Why infiltration rate is assumed constant| Hydrology| GPSC
Lacey's theory Design step | Design step for Lacey's theory of canal Design | GPSC MCQ Question
Lacey's sum | Type 1 when Silt factor is given & Side slope is 1/2 : 1 | Lacey's Design of canal
Lacey's sum |Type 2 When silt factor is not given & side slope is different | Lacey's solved example
Canal Design by Kennedy's theory Numerical || Type 2 method example of Kennedy's theory with details
Design of Channel by Kennedy's theory || Type 1 Kennedy's solved example with detail design steps
Design of Non Alluvial Channel Numerical with design steps || Canal Design for Non alluvial soil
Design of lined canal | Solved Example of Design of Trapezoidal and Triangle section lined canal
Water Requirement of crop Numerical || Consumptive use, Outlet Discharge, Delta & Design Discharge
Water requirement of crop Numerical || Sum of Discharge Required and Required capacity of Reservoir
Important question for GTU Irrigation engineering exam on 25/01/2021 || GTU 7th sem winter exam 2020