Top 5 Bad Code Smells You Didn't Know! 🚫💻 #top5 #codesmells

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Top 5 Bad Code Smells You Didn't Know! 🚫💻

In this video I dive deep into the world of code and uncover those hidden red flags, often overlooked, that suggest your code needs a makeover.

Code Smells are not bugs, but they're the canaries in the coal mine, signaling that you might need to refactor.

🔍 I cover in this video: Feature Envy, Inappropriate Intimacy, God Object, Temporary Field, Refused Bequest

🔗 Don't forget to refactor when you spot these smells!

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Happy Coding! 🚀💡

#top5 #codesmells #badcodesmells #refactoring #designpatterns #programming #softwareengineer #softwareengineering #javaprogramming #pythonprogramming #javascript
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