PCBH Corner #40: Dr. Kirk Strosahl on ACT, Complexity, and Training Providers

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Make sure to check out the PCBH Corners, as well as our website, CEU offerings, and social media!
PCBH Corner #40: Dr. Kirk Strosahl on ACT, Complexity, and Training Providers
PCBH Corner #25: Approaching Complexity in PCBH
PCBH Corner #41: Staying Curious and Present in PCBH with Dr. Patti Robinson
PCBH Corner #4, Part I: Talking PCBH, ACT & fACT with Dr. Kirk Strosahl
PCBH Corner #22: Re-thinking 'Time' in PCBH: Adjusting to Primary Care Time
PCBH Corner #27: Using Data to Craft a Story: Metrics & Infinite Values in PCBH
PCBH Corner #42, Part I: Delivering Subtle, Person-Centered & Contextual Interventions
PCBH Snippets: You need to be more ‘PC’!!!
PCBH Corner #39: The Power (and Lifeblood) of Staying Clinical and Uncovering Everyday Successes
PCBH Corner #21: Setting Yourself Up for Success: How to Bring Intentionality to Your Day
PCBH Corner #85: Always Talk About What You CAN Do, Not What You Can't! (Attn: BHCs)
PCBH Corner #37: Dr. Serrano's Guide to Leadership and Pivoting in Integrated Care
PCBH Corner #31: How to wrap up BHC visits: Leaving on a High Note!
PCBH Corner #19: The Importance of Context in Primary Care
PCBH Corner #24: Remaining Curious with BHC Underutilization: (Stop) Playing the Blame Game
PCBH Corner: Making Metrics Fun
PCBH Corner #57: Is Single Session Therapy (SST) the “Secret Sauce” of Integrated Care?
PCBH Corner: Subtle Deterrents
PCBH Corner #15 (Full Length): A Sit Down with CFHA's CEO Dr. Neftali Serrano
PCBH Corner #36: Creating Community: Dr. Polaha on Integrated Care and Building Your Vision
PCBH Corner #58: A Healing Conversation about Primary Care with Dan Mullin, PsyD, MPH
PCBH Corner #83: How Long Should Your BHC Visits Be? Visit Length in PCBH
Inside Focused ACT for Brief Interventions | Kirk Strosahl and Patti Robinson
PCBH DEMO: Dr. Bauman Demonstrates the 'Movie' Exercise (ACT Clinical Intervention)