TENET -- Aristoteles's Elements of Drama

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It has been a really long time. This video has been sitting on the shelf for two years. Let me your thoughts.

Aristotle's Elements of Drama can help us see movies and books in a new light.

The plot is the sequence of events that strings the story together. There are a limited number of types of plots, but good plots will integrate and play with its tropes.
For more info visit:
I ask the following questions when rating the plot:
Did it have a plot?
Was the plot entertaining?
Was the plot engaging?
Was the plot memorable?
Did the plot have twists?
Did the plot reinvent or take a fresh view?
Was the plot awesome?

The characters are the people within the story. The worst characters are flat(one dimensional) and static(don’t change over the course of the story). The best characters are round(multi-faceted) and dynamic(change by the end of the story). Many characters are based off of Archetypes.
When rating character I ask:
Were the characters cliche?
Were the main characters round and dynamic?
Were the main characters engaging and relatable?
Were even the side characters engaging/round/dynamic?
Did the main character make a sacrifice that mattered?

The theme is the moral of the story. The theme is the message that should be applicable to real life.
There are 4 types of stories: Whole, Broken, Healing, Bent and Tangled.
When Rating the theme I ask:
What was there a moral of the story?
What is the creators of the story trying to tell us?
What are the morals of the story?
Was the theme cheezy?
Was the theme preachy?
Was the theme feel good and fuzzy?
Was the theme moving?
Was the theme world changing and/or unique?

These are the words that the characters or narrators says.
I ask the following when rating movies:
Was the dialogue cliche or predictable?
Was the dialogue invisible?
Was the dialogue funny, moving and/or quotable?
Did the dialogue make you think differently?

Music in a movie gives a vibe to the movie. Rhythm in a book also sets a tone and pacing.
The best music is memorable and significance to the movie and gets stuck in your head.
When rating music and rhythm I ask:
Was the music distracting/awkward?
Did the type of music contribute to the story?
Was the music professional?
Did the music bring a unique vibe?
Does the music get stuck in your head?

Computer graphics. Colors. Theatrics. Magic Systems. All of these are included in spectacle. Spectacle creates a memorable experience for the audience. Some spectacle is terribly done with very little lasting power. The best spectacle is revolutionary and influences movies and books in the future.
When rating Spectacle I ask:
Was the visual effects cringy?
Were the visual effects distracting?
Were the visual effects eye catching?
Do the visual effects set a new standard?
Was the setting (magic system, locations and world) awesome?

How influential is the story outside the actual story?

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