The Profound Meaning of Plato's Allegory of the Cave

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In this episode we explore Plato’s "Allegory of the Cave", its connection to ancient myths, and the ultimate narrative archetype we know as the Hero’s Journey. Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" is one of the most influential philosophical concepts ever introduced, encapsulating timeless questions about reality, knowledge, perception, and enlightenment. Located in Plato's seminal work, "The Republic," the Allegory of the Cave serves as a metaphorical narrative depicting the human condition's journey from ignorance to enlightenment.

The Athenian philosopher Plato (c. 428-347 B.C.) is one of the most important figures of the Ancient Greek world and the entire history of Western thought. In his written dialogues he conveyed and expanded on the ideas and techniques of his teacher Socrates.

The Academy he founded was by some accounts the world’s first university and in it he trained his greatest student, the equally influential philosopher Aristotle. Plato’s recurring fascination was the distinction between ideal forms and everyday experience, and how it played out both for individuals and for societies. In the “Republic,” his most famous work, he envisioned a civilization governed not by lowly appetites but by the pure wisdom of a philosopher-king.

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When you understand the principle of "The Cave", it's impossible to not see it's effects playing out in the world we inhabit.
Powerfull presentation, thankyou to all involved.


This was an amazing and elegant invitation out of the cave. Thank you... 🙏 May the entire World be ENLIGHTENED!!!


Absolutely beautiful. Hardest part about coming out of the cave is finding others who have. It’s so hard to find those who have a truly exited the cave and question their reality


14:52 "It is not our fault for being raised in these conditions but it is our solemn duty to escape."

I understand. Thank you.


A Tibetan take on Plato's cave: There are some frogs that live at the bottom of a deep well. They have spent their entire lives in the well. One day a frog enters from the outside and tries to describe the ocean. The other frogs can not even begin to comprehend such a vastness. This vastness is Enlightenment.


This channel's the best thing possible for an English teacher like myself who always presents philosophy and mythology on the way. It's pretty incredible that each year I present the Allegory of the Cave in one unit and the Hero's Journey in another or all the other units. This really sums it all up with a great visual to go with it. Thanks for the help guys.


A big piece that needs to be absorbed from this is someone who has not left the cave has no frame of reference for what is outside it. This is one reason for Morpheus's success with Neo in the Matrix when he says "there's no way I can explain it to you. You have to see it for yourself. Don't place all the effort into telling people about the outside, just ask if they are willing to walk. If they aren't, you let them be. If they are, you move forward. Knowledge can't be forced, it can only be received. And if they are unwilling to receive, then will remain chained in darkness no matter what you do or say.


I first learned about Plato's Allegory of the Cave back in one of my English classes in my freshman year of college and it was an extraordinary experience to read it because the professor made a good job on explaining it to us and why it's so important. It quickly became one of my favorite pieces of literature ever.


I share this with my high school Ancient Civilizations class. It is a powerful moment each time we stop and discuss it. Thank you for producing this work!


Thank you YouTube for giving me this recommendation at a time when I am rethinking my entire life. I was just diagnosed with autism and ADHD and am now figuring out how to proceed in a world that feels unfamiliar. The timeless greats of philosophy provide encouragement and solace in this process, which is fundamentally human from time immemorial.


Your timing is impeccable… it feels humanity is ready for revelations and revolutions.


This is the best, most profound, and most important infotainment video I have watched in a very, very, very long time. It massively reflects my own journey, as I became increasingly libertarian, especially as we traversed the dystopian COVID19 journey.


One of the best life lessons for anyone!! No words to thank you for this extraordinary way of explaining the essence of what being human really means! Your deep research, excellent script, excelent line of thought, narration, superb graphics!! I am sharing this jewel with my colleagues and students at UCL and the Institute of Education, friends, this should be part of school curricula worldwide. I wish I had seen this in my secondary school! More please!!


Leaving the cave means one must bear the weight of being alone in leaving the cave. You will be thought of as crazy by those you now perceive still trapped in the cave and wanting only to bring them out of their cave will be met with stubbornness and walls, you are not meant to break the walls they place before you. move along with yourself alone and continue to explore. This is what ive found with my leaving the cave, persist and perseverance.


Thank you for this. It has been an emotionally traumatic few years watching truth denied. I have ceaselessly tried to wake people up, at great personal cost. This video is full of affirmation that I am doing the right thing.


This is the second time this allegory has shown up for me in two weeks. John Vervaeke brought it back to my awareness in his 'Awakening from the meaning crisis' series. Definitely worth the watch!


Linking Plato's Cave with the Hero's Journey was excellent! Thank you!


Early on in this brilliant clip, I began to see the parallels between the “Plato's Allegory of the Cave” and Neo in the Matrix. Neo's life was a construction of illusions until he is freed to experience the real world. The “Allegory of the Cave” is timeless and we are experiencing it today on computer screens. People can no longer tell the difference between the threat of nuclear war and an action movie...


The irony is this beautiful presentation is itself a projection inside the cave.


This is interesting. I am a lifestyle medicine educator I have noticed that people resist the information that their health issues are often caused by lifestyle decisions. They do not want to make the effort to change and prefer to blame fate, genetics or others for their condition.
