[PLAYER] My top 3 Good Player Tips

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What are my top good player tips? As my editor said to me when he finished with the video: how do I show this to them anonymously? Don't. Share it with your friends. Let me know you love them and want everyone around the table to have an amazing time...

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Yes, players, please learn how your character works! And put down your phone.


As a long time GM and player, I agree--these are the most important tips for players to remember.

The most important, I think, is #3. The more you interact as your character, the more you get sucked into the world, the more you get invested in your other players, the more you get invested in filling out your sheet and knowing your mechanics, etc.

Communication is the most important element of any relationship, and TTRPGs are no different.


Funny, I was JUST thinking about your "How to be a Great Player" series. Great advice, Guy.


This was way better than my list. XD
My list:
1. Communicate. If you can't make it to a session or you'll be late or you have something coming up, tell people about it.
2. Be prepared. It's one thing to show up on time, it's another thing to be on time and ready to play. Do you have your notes and character sheet ready? Have you eaten, gotten a drink, gone to the restroom, etc.?
3. Know what you're doing. Pretty much the same as the "know the rules, especially for your character" one mentioned in the video.

Seriously, the GM/DM puts in so much work creating the world, the stories, the NPCs, and running it all, doing these handful of things (both what was gone over in the video and mentioned here) is the least you can do.


I love ALL How to be a Great GM videos!!!! ❤


I have a video request: Can you do a video on how Fae would effect the world? How living in a world with faries, nymphs, unicorns & brownies would look/feel & the social impact as well as how a fantasy world would adapt to a world where the Fairfolk are just a mushroom circle or rabbit hole away?
(not sure if it will happen but worth an ask)


Rules knowledge is usually my weak point. For example, I'd never really played D&D 5E (and barely understood the spaghetti that was 3.5E), so when I saw the Fighter's Action Surge, I didn't realise that the "Attack action" was "all your attacks", so I thought Action Surge gave like one extra attack instead of doubling the number of attacks.
This is what I get for being really stuck into the WEG D6 system.


So I havent watched your stuff for a while (youtube didnt recommend you.) but this one came up and the last thing you said was about your weight and how you had a goal to lose it.

Well based on this video, you're looking good man. Well done on your quest Guy, you're looking great!


All good tips
Yes players need to take notes too


Accurate, will say though, a good player could 100% know and research their abilities, but that research means little if the GM doesn't follow the same lines of reasoning. If you research a build and want X amount from it, a good player will ask the GM ahead of time (preferrably outside a game) how they rule the use of a confusing ability this way you're on the same page. Less heartache and confusion all around. Include your GM in the research, just don't expect them to know or remind you on every detail.


At a remark if rules are nuclear you could also ask your GM how (s)he would Interpret that. Apart from that the video was really amazing.


Good video! Everyone thinks they are a great player- just ask them.


Involvement, interest and pays attention?


Will there be an audio book version of your book when it comes out?


I don't agree on the first rule. Rules is something that really needs to get hammered into my skull a lot.
Then when I'm presented with a rule that only happens once in a blue moon or something, then it'll make me hella confused.

The other two rules, yeah sure. I don't see the point of the third rule very much unless you have people in separate rooms so they have to then talk of what they found out, otherwise you're just repeating information that people already know and chances are, they will shut their ears close because they already know. They sat right next to that person or so when they learned it.


Nope, I'm not.
I was just late for an online session because I was looking for my kid outside after dark. After I finally joined 36 minutes late to explain what happened I heard the GM say that it was a pity that I did. They played Gloomhaven instead.
Well, fuck them.


And please do not make characters that clash violently with the mood of the game.
Also, don't use disabilities (mental and/or physical) as a cartoon gimmick, or as a marker for evil.
