First look at my days in Internship | Burnout & working with CBT | Mental Health Counseling Intern

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Great to hear from you Klaudia, glad you've been starting 2023 busy at the very least! 🙂🎉 So sorry to hear about the burn out though, even with the holidays alone can be very overwhelming, but sending you positive vibes and well wishes your way 🙏 As for myself, just actually started the program officially two weeks ago! 🙂 Apparently it's a three year program, summers included surprisingly, but only 2-3 classes per semester 📚 This first one is Intro to Counseling, and Personal/Social Development, so very interesting to start with 😊 Atm kind of find the whole experience a bit slow, even considering getting a part time job just to occupy myself during the weekdays, but regardless, just glad to finally get this next step started, and looking forward to seeing how this first semester plans out! 🙂


Great video!!! Thanks for sharing, Im currently in my second semester and already trying to prep myself for internship and practicum🙏🏼 you’re almost there🎉


So exciting to be so close to the end! I just started practicum this semester and I see my first clients next week, wish me luck, lol.


I’d love to see a video on burnout actually. I experienced it, too. I thought i could keep being a flight attendant and do part time copywriting and help take care of my dad and do the psychology bachelor’s full time… i could not. It was exhausting and caused a huge shift in personality and it was very eye opening because once i stopped doing everything and just focused on school, i for better pretty quickly but i still remember how miserable it felt. I’d love to hear some tips for when i enter grad school and which part time jobs would be good while in the mental health counseling program.
ps. congrats on being almost done!🎉


Thank you for this. I've been looking and wondering how things are going for you. When I get there (internship), I'll remember what you had to say. So you are teaching at least one person almost twice your age.


congratulations and thanks for the updates, my take away today is, " boundaries".


Your family is very proud of you Kiki 🥰


Sorry if this is a personal question, but how much debt will you be in post graduation? I am considering going into this profession and I wanted to know


Do you not get paid for your internship?


I’d love to see a video on burnout actually. I experienced it, too. I thought i could keep being a flight attendant and do part time copywriting and help take care of my dad and do the psychology bachelor’s full time… i could not. It was exhausting and caused a huge shift in personality and it was very eye opening because once i stopped doing everything and just focused on school, i for better pretty quickly but i still remember how miserable it felt. I’d love to hear some tips for when i enter grad school and which part time jobs would be good while in the mental health counseling program.
ps. congrats on being almost done!🎉