Germany's next government signals new foreign policy towards China | DW News

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Germany's new government is promising a tougher stance on China. How far will it break with Angela Merkel's pragmatic approach to Beijing?
Germany will follow a tougher approach towards relations with China as a new coalition government prepares to be sworn in next week here in Berlin. The government headed by Social democract Olaf Scholz will have the Green Party's Annalena Baerbock as Foreign Minister. In an interview to German newspaper Taz she laid out her vision for Berlin's interactions with Beijing. She said "Dialogue is the central building block of international politics. But that doesn't mean we gloss over issues or remain silent on them. Foreign policy based on values is always a combination of dialogue and toughness. Eloquent silence is not a form of diplomacy for the long-term, though many have believed so in recent years."

Those remarks are a clear shot at the foreign policy of Angela Merkel. But her approach has been an evolving one. She began her chancellorship being vocal about human rights in China. And drew the ire of Beijing by holding talks with the Dalai Llama. But Merkel soon pivoted to her trademark strategic, pragmatic outlook -- favoring engagement over confrontation. She's been reluctant to criticize or antagonize China on the hot button issues of Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan. And she's stayed clear of Beijing's trade war with Washington. Instead she's sought to tighten economic ties, taking German corporate leaders on her trips to Beijing. But critics say she's given China too much leeway, and put business interests before human rights.

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Watching world politics is like watch a TV series that never ends.


Actions speak louder than words.. I'll wait till they actually do something


Words from Politicians is like a Car's value when drives off the lot..its depreciates overtime the moment it leaves the car dealership


Hopefully Germany will start rolling back its usual "appeasing policy" stance on a lot of topics including foreign policy and Human Rights and together with France start having a more assertive stance for the sake of the EU.


Well, we will see what actually will happen. So far we are on the level of words


It's good to see Europe finally realise that they shouldn't be enabling a genocidal dictatorship.
By doing nothing you're complicit.


I have recently seen too many contradictions in punditry. For instance, the commentator makes the point that Europe has leverage over China, as China needs European investments. At the same time, Europe is concerned about China's investments in Africa and the magnitude of the investments. They have also responded by promising their own investments in the African arena. Considering the magnitude of the difference in the sizes of investments it would appear that China has bigger investment muscles and it is leading the agenda in that Europe feels compelled to counteract. It is also safe to assume that Europe invests In China out of necessity not favour.

Too many times it looks like the need to establish a narrative overwhelms rational consideration for "facts."


I can see a huge amount of BMW AUDI MERCEDES floating back to Europe . Wonderful


As a German, all i can say i that Xi is laughing at us.
But i would too.


When the US invaded Iraq the 2nd time, we did so based on false information about WMDs. But in the process of invading iraq, we killed 200, 000 mostly civilians in the 1st year of the war/occupation. No one in Germany or in W. Europe would dare call this a violation of human rights. The Greens would not dare either. So in spite of all the retoric on human rights, the Green position is a realist foreign policy. You don't anger the world's hegemon.
The other major foreign policy topic is Nord Stream 2. Right now certification is held up on a technicality that can be removed. But would Germany set aside NS_2 if Russia invades Ukraine? The loss of NS_2 will hurt Germany, but it will hurt Russia even more. Russia gaining a few 100 billion in revenue per year is a major threat to US hegemony. And a Russia invading Ukraine might be interpreted as the1st domino of many to fall.


Europe is starting to grow a backbone. Thanks to the like of Czech Republic and Lithuania!


I do not think Germany will have same leadership position in EU as before. France will be the leader of EU.


Bravo!!! Go Europe and my European comrades!! Love from Greece!!


good to see, unified EU approach to China is crucial


No more appeasement. Appeasement leads to aggression - Germany should know that better than most.


What EU has been doing so far is ignoring and neglecting, not dealing with, what it does now is confrontation, conflict and again not dialogue.


Why keep attacking each other when everyone can live in a peaceful world working together...


Seems this lady has a lot to learn about diplomacy. She ll soon learn her lessons.


If German hates China, just ask all German companies to get out of China, don't invest a single cent in China. Just do it if you have guts, don't just talk.


😂😂😂😂..EU is just a joke.. a US lapdog...
