Geoffrey the Part Time Reindeer Toys 'R' Us UK 2017

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Welcome to the Toys 'R' Us UK Christmas ad for 2017... we'd like to tell you a story...

Once upon a time, there was a giraffe called Geoffrey who ran a beautiful Toys 'R' Us store. It was Christmas Eve and Geoffrey was waiting for someone very special.

There was a knock at the door & there was his good friend Santa with his beautiful sleigh & reindeer.

"Come in!" says Geoffrey!

Santa locks his sleigh, goes inside & finds all the presents that he still needs!

Happy he’s found everything, Santa has to be on his way.

They go outside & Santa realises all of his reindeer have disappeared!


He looks around confused & through the store window he sees that the reindeer are inside playing with the toys!

It’s then that Santa has an idea & needs Geoffrey's help... for one night only, Geoffrey has to be a part-time reindeer!

With a big gulp & a brave face Geoffrey takes to the sky & helps Santa to deliver all the presents!

As dawn breaks, Geoffrey & Santa return to the store proving that Toys 'R' Us really is a Magical Place.


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