AULA DE INGLÊS 81 Before, After, When, Then

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Aula do curso de ingles voce aprende agora as expressions before (antes), after (depois), when (quando), e then (dai) e ve examples: I check my e-mail before lunch (eu checo meu email antes do almoco). Then I go home (dai eu vou pra casa). After dinner I go to bed (depois do jantar eu vou pra cama). When I travel I relax (quando eu viajo eu relaxo).

✍Inglês Você Aprende Agora em casa, no trabalho ou viajando✍

Você decide onde quer estudar Inglês e nós disponibilizamos o conteúdo 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana.


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✅ Salve as playlists favoritas

▶ Iniciante - aulas de inglês para iniciantes

▶ Básico I - Inglês para se comunicar melhor

▶ Básico II - Inglês para se comunicar melhor


▶ Contato whats: +55 (67)99646-1112

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See you next class!
Рекомендации по теме

Yesterday, in the morning I went at the gym, I stayed more or less two hours for there. After I went to take a shower, at nine I ate a breakfast very good. Then I went to study for a test in the college to night, but did not have class, then my wife and I watched a movie. Thank you.


Hi Felipe. So, i need to tell you're wonderful... Cara, você não tem idéia do quanto o seu canal é importante pra quem está aprendendo inglês e a dimensão que você atinge... Realmente congratulations on this! Estou no seu vídeo de número 81 e todos são perfeitos!


You're welcome Ale! Your English is improving! Watch the videos, write everything on your notebook and speak in front of your computer. See you next class!


Ok Sppedrina! Very good! See you next class!


Suas aulas são ótimas! Estava bem confusa antes de assisti-las, agora já consegui responder às perguntas feitas no fim do vídeo. Valeu!!


Yesterday I went early to the University of Brasilia to study. I studied with my friends. After I went eat lunch. I was hungry. When I was eating, I saw my friend eating. I said ''hello''. Then, we went to the class. We studied all afternoon. After class, we went to home.


Great example Osesquilos!!! Well, yesterday I was in my house listening to music, but before I was cheking my facebook and after I went to eat. When I'm eating I feel good. Then I went to sleep.
Sempre use o I (eu) com letra maiúscula, ok? Congratulations! See you next class!


before I didn't know nothing of inglish, but, after that i begin see your videos i can understand SO MUCH ... when i can speak fluent wanna go out of Brasil, then i will remember me when watched your videos....


Hello Felipe, Yesterday I went to my dad's house but before I had gone to the shopping mall with my half-brother and after When I arrived at home, I took a shower to sleep
I love your classes Felipe. Continue so. Thank you very much


Yesterday I studied all the afternoon with your channel and then I went to watch series on the tv. I love your videos :)


Hi! What's up?

Well, yesterday i studied english at morning, and i was able to hear an one podcast. I understened about 70%. After this, i went to ate my lunch, only before this, i was had to cook hahaha. After to ate, then, i went to my friend's house, called Atila and we played videogame. More knowed KOF 2002 (The king of Fighters 2002).

I love your channel, thank you for this video!


This sunday before of lunch I did a walk in beach and after I relaxed, whem was three o'clock went cooking and then stayed all perfect.
thanks Teacher

Seus videos me ajudam muito apenas por 3 meses tive uma professora particular e agora há quase 6 meses continuo muito animada....estudo sozinha e os seus videos é um dos melhores por isso é o vídeo que mais vejo, creio que vou conseguir, não tem um dia que eu não leia ou ouça inglês.
obrigada mesmo


i liked lessons im script. congratulations you are a good instructor beyond beauty


Very good, Liliane! See you next class!


Well, Yesterday, i stay in my home all morning, Then i left for school in the afternoon, and i talked to my friends. When i back to my home, i was watching your videos.


Yesterday I wake up beside 10 or 11 am, after have lunch. After come back in my house, I studied english until 19 pm. When I need out around 19:30 pm and after arrive in house the 22:30 pm and then went sleep.


yesterday i did worked but before washed my home after the work i went for house when finally watched the video of the felipe dib


Yesterday I stayed at home all morning, After lunch I whatched some youtube’s videos, at night When I was going to the gym I found my friend and then we went together


Very good, Felipe! I am also a teacher and I think your video will help my students! Thanks!


Yesterday I talked with my friend, but before I eated at my home, after I went in the movie and when my sister arrived, I go out!
