Truth Report: Introducing a new series - Messianic Light with Shelley Neese

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Jewish tradition holds that 2500 years ago, Ezra the scribe and Jewish elders created an annual reading schedule which divided the Torah into 54 sections. The sections are called parashah. That means portion. Following the calendar, it takes one year to complete the entire Torah. Last week, on October 13, was Simchat Torah, a celebration for the finish of a whole year of Torah study. So we are jumping into this at the near start of a new parashah cycle. I hope to include a little something each week that covers Jewish tradition and teaching, Biblical archaeology, Hebrew language study, and/or application to modern Israel. For most Christians, it might feel pretty Messianic. And for Messianics, it might not feel like I am going far enough. So I am calling it Messianic Lite!

I need to keep the videos short but I encourage your participation in the comments section to keep the learning going well past what I can offer!

Read up for Next week’s Torah Portion: Vayera, Genesis 18:1 to Genesis 22:24
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Hope he is ok- i was worried and prayed for him- looked tired
