Sometimes You Need to Change Yourself to Be Yourself | Mindy Gibbins-Klein | TEDxHolyhead

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Many people keep doing the same things and expecting a different result. They wait for something big to happen and the doors to open. How do you know if It’s the right time? The answer is that you don’t need to wait for some cataclysmic event, some psychic wake-up call. You can create a massive change in your career, results and life at any time – if you ask yourself (and answer honestly) some big questions.

Mindy Gibbins-Klein has been a speaker and trainer for 28 years. A Fellow of the PSA and even a past Regional President, she is well known and respected in the UK business community. A picture of success, many would say. But the past several years have thrown huge boulders in her path, causing her to doubt everything she had built over the years, including some important relationships. Clawing her way back up, Mindy challenged herself to find the gift in her situation and finally shift herself and her career. The result is nothing short of extraordinary: spectacular success in her business and deep clarity and fulfilment as a person. For the first time ever, Mindy is sharing with us the secrets of her transformation and a method for you to create your own transformation.

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The ability to take advantage of an adversity is such a blessing. Change is inevitable. Change is constant. We gotta accept the reality. We gotta embrace the changes. She is so cute and v exquisitely explained all the stuff. Very good ted talk!


Applause to you for not taking the easy way out and instead choosing love.


This is one of the most brilliantly planned and spoken ted talk ever. Its like, I always "knew" what this lady talked about but couldn't really "understand" it and implement it, if that makes sense. But the way she explained it makes it really simple and so effective. Wonderful talk


Thank you for your genuine and heartfelt share. Your story rings true for anyone struggling to show their true selves to the world, be it physically or mentally. It's a powerful reminder that it's never too late to embrace our potential, live authentically, and choose happiness. Your journey and your son's are true gifts, illuminating the path to a more fulfilling life.


Sometimes we have to change ourselves to become ourself. Thank you for the non judgemental space to overcome my own self sabbatoging adversities. Great ted talk!


I am so late to see this ...but i really liked the part about "unconditionally love and accept or change" That is what resonated most with me!


A beautifully powerful speech, Mindy, and so honouring of self-acceptance. A call to action, shaking us out of our slumber and challenging us to self-question.


4:33 *A strong feeling came over me, and I knew i couldnt lie to myself any longer. I hadn't been acting like te kind of person I wanted to be. I had been acting like some horrible person, somebody I would detest if i bumped into them in the street. I called myself a thoughtful leader, but i hadn't been acting thoughtfully at all...and i couldn't be that person any longer*

This hit me so hard

7:38 *we always have a choice : to either unconditionally accept and love (ourselves, our situation etc), or to change. We just mustn't stay unhappy and stuck*

10:55 11:59 this !!

12:58 *we're not always doing the best we can, with the resources we have*


Sometimes you need to change yourself to be yourself." ~ Mindy Gibbins-Klein Were truer words ever spoken? I just watched this profound TEDx presentation by our very own power sister and my friend, Mindy.

I happened to be with Mindy on one of her awesome book writing retreats right after she received the life-changing letter she speaks about in this video. I remember vividly her angst and confusion about what to do. She wanted to do the right thing with every fiber of her being.

You will learn much from investing 15 minutes to watch this video, personally and professionally. You will learn about yourself and how to be the person you want to be. If you are a speaker, you will appreciate how deep within herself she went in order to deliver such a thought-provoking speech.

Honored to know you, Mindy. Thanks for being such a bright light in the world. Thanks for challenging us to accept those that we don't understand.


Great example of what it means to allow love to win. So many truth nuggets and wisdom to latch onto. Thank you!


Thank you for this. I’m a M to F trans woman. Your son is lucky to have such an amazing understanding parent. I wish you both the best!


As you age you get to learn a lot from your experiences in life whether it's bad or good it doesnt matter the important thing is that you are able to correct your mistakes by doing good to others


Just wow! You are so brave, Mindy. I am inspired not only by your journey but your honesty and vulnerability. To change ourselves to become ourselves is a challenge of integrity. Thank you.


Authentic and eloquent. Thank you for sharing so honestly. The time is always now for being and doing better - such a powerful story to really bring home the reality of continual self development.


Beautifully honest and heart-spoken, this is the powerful message that (in my humble opinion) you should take into schools. Our young people need to know that it it absolutely ok to be who you REALLY are and as such sometimes you need to change yourself to be yourself. So many of our youth are struggling trying to fit in when really they need to celebrate their individuality and step into their authenticity.


Mindy, that must have been such a profound moment in your life when you decided to share this part of your story. Well done on having the courage to share this with the world. You amazing mother you. xx


What a beautiful talk, Mindy. Your story is so powerful and inspirational. What a wonderful mother you are


How powerful, emotional, and truthful this story is! Ah, how beautiful you are in all this context, dear Mindy! You make me cry out of this beauty of an open heart. Thank you for being LOVE! I am proud of you my dear, I am proud of you for being true YOU, sooo good. Thank you for stepping your power dear, greatly done ❤❤❤


Thank you for sharing Mindy.
It often 'seems like' the easiest way is to stick your head in the sand and lie to yourself, but I know - and you have shown for everyone to see that actually it is the opposite. However it takes great courage to communicate openly on topics we're not familiar with, or comfortable with at first.
Taking that first step is the hardest and I would never say tough topics become easy, they certainly become easier.
The more people open up 'all communication' within families, friends and peers the better the world will be.
Well done you for being one of the leaders who's willing to stand up and share and show it's OK to be open! x


I am absolutely with you on this, Mindy. Thank you for sharing your very personal experience of deciding that accepting and loving or making a change are our best responses- in fact you did both. Inspiring, and I love your courage- after all, it's what pushes us to grow!
