JHI- BA Bible Books Intro LECTURE

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JHI- BA Intro to Bible Books LECTURE

LECTURE NOTES: See them in the Video Transcript OR

ALL Lecture Notes are available all

I may not get all of the lectures for all of the Bible books uploaded before the Rapture. If that happens and you are pursuing the BA in Biblical Literature you will not be able to watch some of the lectures on video. You are still required to read the Lecture Notes which are still available on the JHI Blog .

JHI- BA Biblical Literature
This is a transitional instruction between the lectures on the principles of the interpretation of literature and in this case ‘biblical’ literature and the actual literature itself.

What follows is a series of lectures on each book of Scripture most of them on individual books but some analyzing a set of related books, or historical background.

There is much to be understood. The vast stretch of time is one. For example the amount of time for Jesus to have thought through and back to Abraham is roughly the same amount of time from now, the date of this writing in 2024, back to Jesus day. An incredible amount of historical and cultural change took place in that nearly 2000 years.

Keep in mind that this instruction does not substitute for your robust desire to learn and understand. These following lectures are not expository. They focus on the highlights, key points, and essential message of Yahweh through each human writer. This is why your own Bible reading and research is so important to the real learning process as well as your personal activity. Of highest importance is your prayerful surrender to and leading by the Holy Spirit. John 16:13.

Remember: This JHI- BA Biblical Literature program is accredited by the highest authority of all, Yahewh, the Creator. It is supervised by Him and self supervised. You are accountable to Him, alone. Your Christian honor and integrity are on the line, here, so with the leading of the Holy Spirit do your best.

Some activities are planned to be repetitive.
Spaced repetition is a foundational principle of learning.
The goal of the JHI is to facilitate your LEARNING, not just your completion of the program.

And so you begin:
1) You must surrender to The Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior and be born again.
2) Write out your personal testimony of at least 500 words about your surrender to The Lord Jesus Christ.
3) Make and post a video of you reading your testimony online.
5) You must begin regular Church attendance, in person or online.
6) You must begin a regular daily posting on a social media platform some statement or comment or teaching that exalts The Lord Jesus Christ and/or His values. You may use these lectures.
7) You are required to thoughtfully read through each book in “The Living Bible” translation, as you reach each corresponding lecture.
8) Download to your laptop, desktop, or thumb drive each lecture.
9) Watch the corresponding lecture.
10) Read the class Lecture Notes looking up every reference and cross reference mentioned.
11)Watch the lecture a second time while taking your own notes. Include in your own note taking “topics to research” and ideas to research after the class requirements are completed.
12) Thoughtfully read through the current book again in the “New Living Translation.” This is a different Bible translation and add to your notes.
13) Look up the items on your “topics to research” list you made throughout the class.
14 ) Write a 250 word minimum, summary for each Bible book
15 )Memorize 25 Bible verses.
16) Write a 2500 word minimum, senior thesis on a topic selected from the JHI- Topics List.
17) Complete all quizzes, midterm and final exams.
18) Add your name to the comments section of the last video for the BA Biblical Literature program as a graduate.

During this first book study remember to begin both your Church attendance, practicum activity and your discipling activity with a diary-report for each.
At the end of the degree program if you continue to the next, you must change your practicum. For example from song leading to prison ministry. The discipling program stays the same.

You may contact me for clarification or just fellowship:
On my Facebook public wall or DM me there for privacy.
On YouTube
On email:

If I'm not in heaven I will respond if I am able.
God bless you as you begin this wonderful journey. You are exactly where Jesus wants you to be.
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