Evolution of Mega Man X Armors

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🚀 Join us on an extraordinary journey through time as we explore the Evolution of Mega Man X Armors! From the classic 16-bit era to the cutting-edge visuals of today, this video is your ticket to witness the iconic Blue Bomber's transformation and upgrade over the years. 🎮🔵

🔍 In this deep dive, we'll unravel the fascinating evolution of Mega Man X's armors, from the original X Armor to the powerful upgrades and variations introduced in subsequent titles. Marvel at the creative genius behind each design, the strategic enhancements they bring to gameplay, and the unique flair that has made each armor iteration a legend in its own right.

🌈 Immerse yourself in the nostalgia of pixelated aesthetics and 2D side-scrolling action, then experience the technological advancements that have given rise to the dynamic 3D armors of modern Mega Man X titles. From the Buster upgrades to the special abilities, discover how each armor set has shaped the Maverick Hunter's legacy.

🎥 Join us as we celebrate the impact of Mega Man X Armors on gameplay, strategy, and the overall thrill of the series. Whether you're a devoted Mega Man X fan or a newcomer to the Blue Bomber's adventures, this video promises an in-depth look at the evolution of one of gaming's most iconic features.

🕹️ Hit the like button to show your appreciation for the evolution of Mega Man X Armors, share your favorite armor memories in the comments, and subscribe to our channel for more explorations into the rich history of gaming.

🌐 The legacy of Mega Man X continues to shine. Join us in celebrating the Evolution of Mega Man X Armors and the enduring power of this legendary blue hero!

Mega Man X / Rockman X (1993)
00:11 Mega Man X Light Armor

Mega Man X2 / Rockman X2 (1992)
00:33 Mega Man X Second Armor

Mega Man X3 / Rockman X3 (1995)
00:50 Mega Man X Third Armor
01:10 Mega Man X Third Gold Armor

Mega Man X4 / Rockman X4 (1997)
01:25 Mega Man X Fourth Armor
01:46 Mega Man X Ultimate Armor

Mega Man Xtreme / Rockman X Cyber Mission (2000)
02:02 Mega Man X Light Armor

Mega Man X5 / Rockman X5 (2000)
02:23 Mega Man X Fourth Armor
02:40 Mega Man X Falcon Armor
02:55 Mega Man X Gaia Armor
03:11 Mega Man X Ultimate Armor

Mega Man Xtreme 2 / Rockman X2 Soul Eraser (2001)
03:26 Mega Man X Second Armor

Mega Man X6 / Rockman X6 (2001)
03:45 Mega Man X Falcon Armor
04:08 Mega Man X Shadow Armor
04:24 Mega Man X Blade Armor

Mega Man X7 / Rockman X7 (2003)
05:00 Mega Man X Glide Armor

Mega Man X Command Mission / Rockman X Command Mission (2004)
05:22 Mega Man X Ultimate Armor
05:46 Mega Man X Fire Armor

Mega Man X8 / Rockman X8 (2004)
06:20 Mega Man X Icarus Armor
06:34 Mega Man X Ultimate Armor
06:55 Mega Man X Hermet Armor
07:25 Mega Man X Neutral Armor

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X / Irregular Hunter X (2006)
07:37 Mega Man X Light Armor

Mega Man X for iOS / Rockman X (2011)
08:34 Mega Man X Light Armor

Project X Zone / プロジェクト クロスゾーン (2012)
09:37 Mega Man X Ultimate Armor

Project X Zone 2 / Project X Zone 2 Brave New World (2015)
09:52 Mega Man X Ultimate Armor

Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite / マーベル VS. カプコン:インフィニット (2017)
10:02 Mega Man X Light Armor
10:10 Mega Man X Command Mission Armor
10:31 Mega Man X M.K. Armor
11:15 Mega Man X Ultimate Armor

Mega Man X Legacy Collection / Rockman X Anniversary Collection (2017)
11:27 Mega Man X Ultimate Anniversary Armor

Mega Man X DiVE / Rockman X DiVE (2020-2023)
11:56 Mega Man X DiVE Armor
12:31 Mega Man X Falcon Armor
12:59 Mega Man XFourth Armor
13:28 Mega Man X Light Armor
13:52 Mega Man X Rathalos Armor
14:45 Mega Man X Second Armor
15:19 Mega Man X Third Armor
16:48 Mega Man X Ultimate Armor Anniversary Collection Version
17:36 Mega Man X Ultimate Armor (CM)
18:58 Mega Man X Ultimate Armor
19:26 Mega Man X Command Mission Armor
20:06 Mega Man X M.K. Version
20:31 Mega Man X M.K. Ver. White
21:14 Mega Man X-Kai Armor

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Рекомендации по теме

Thanks for including armors from Megaman X Dive.

We'll happy to see new armor on Megaman X Dive


When we think about it, from X1 until X9, all the armors for X was made by Dr. Light back in his day. For someone who proclaimed that he loves peace, Dr. Light sure made lots of deadly weapons..


The armors have to be a few of my favorite things about Megaman X. They're all so cool.


Awesome! All the armors in the Megaman X franchise that X wears created by his creator Dr.Light are incredible. Best of all the armors that X wears makes him look like a knight in shining armor. More surprisingly I'm hoping Megaman X9 will have two new awesome armors one day in the future. I tell you Megaman X really needs to come back and I just want the Megaman X franchise to keep going and gain more popularity and defend it's title against the classic Megaman franchise.


Shadow armor, ultimate armor e a fourth armor são as minhas preferidas.


Não conhecia essa versão de Megaman x para IOS, ficou muito bonita sem os traços pixelados!!


Am I the only one who believes that Mega Man X8 is the best part in terms of graphics, music, story, and the appearance of the characters, even their voices? It is the only part that shows the characters in a youthful way, and the gameplay technology is very enjoyable. Whether on the computer or on the Playstation


A como eu amo mega Man X 🥺💙💙💙💙💙 espero que um dia saia um remake ou um remaster muito foda de toda saga X


With all these armor designs, I really think a Co-op RPG-Shooter similar in gameplay to Borderlands would be great for the X series.

Relegate X, Zero, and Axl to mentors and let us create our own Maverick Hunters in our own styles, including weapons selection and abilities, and put us through a new story set after the X series but before the Zero series.


Mega Man X Greatest ever Legends!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Ultimate Armor X UNSTOPPABLE


todas as abilidades dadas pelas peças de armadura

X1/Xtreme 1 (light armor)
Botas-abilidade de dar dash com o botão A
Cabeça-destruir blocos destrutiveis acima de você
Braços-carregar as armas do bosses e dar mais um grau para a charged buster
Peito-abaixar o dano recebido

X2/Xtreme 2 (second armor)
Botas-abilita um dash no ar
Cabeça-abaixa o gasto de munição das armas de chefes e tem a abilidade de escanear segredos
Braços-carrega as armas dos chefes e possibilita um full charge buster shot duas vezes no novo grau
Peito-da a abilidade "Giga Impact" que derrota todos os inimigos na tela e abaixa o dano recebido

X3 (max armor)
Botas-abilita um dash no ar horizontalmente e verticalmente
Cabeça-abaixa o gasto de munição de armas de chefes e mostra os items restantes nas fases
Braços-carrega as armas dos chefes e tem um tiro duplo que pode ser combinado em um só tiro
Peito-ativa uma barreira apos levar dano que abaixa o dano recebido

X3 Chips (X3 hyper special armor)
Botas-possibilita dois dash's no ar horizontalmente e verticalmente
Cabeça-te cura pelos poucos apos ficar parado por um periodo de tempo
Braços-ganha a abilidade "hyper charge" que ja vem com o tiro da buster carregado até o ultimo grau
Peito-abaixa ainda mais o dano recebido

X4 (force armor)
Botas-dash no ar e apos apertar a cruz no ar X plana por um periodo de tempo
Cabeça-abaixa o gasto de munição das armas de chefes
Braços-armazena 4 tiros carregados da buster ou atira uma onda de plasma que deixa trilhas apos acertar um inimigo

Peito-abaixa o dano recebido e da a abilidade "nova strike" que é uma tarjada que destroi qualquer inimigo no caminho

A ultimate armor é a mesma coisa que a force armor ela apenas tem nova strikes infinitos

X5 (falcon armor)
Botas-te deixa voar por um periodo de tempo podendo dar dano para inimigos fracos nesses voo
Cabeça-abaixa o gasto de munição de armas de chefes
Braços-da um tiro de perfura paredes e escudos porem não deixa carregar armas de chefes
Peito-abaixa o dano recebido e da a abilidade "giga strike" que funciona que nem a giga impact

X5 (gaea armor)
Botas-te deixa pisar em espinhos e da um dash com um dano maior que o dash da falcon
Cabeça-Possibilita destruir os blocos V com um dash ou um tiro da buster
Braços-tem um carregamento instantaneo na buster porem ela tira a abilidade de usar armas de chefes
Peito-Abaixa o dano recebido e da a abilidade "giga attack'' que funciona como um hadoken que não se move (X fica invuneravel durante o ataque)



Falcon Armor, Golden Armor, and Shadow Armor are my faves. 😎


I was completely unaware that there were this many Mega Man games...particularly, Mega Man X games....


somehow it was harder to beat sigma in the first x game but i managed it after a few days of trying non stop. x2 and 3 were still pretty difficult but i managed. can't wait to play the rest of x series when i buy the games


Muito bom ter um canal br sobre Megaman X!


My favorites are Ultimate Armor, Fourth Armor (X4 and X Dive versions), Falcon Armor (Riobot, X5, and X Dive versions), Blade Armor, Shadow Armor, and Neutral Armor (X8).


Megaman X Dive tem seus pontos positivos no fanservice. Tipo, jogar com o X-kai é meu novo sonho!


X kai actually is a creative character by dr wily being a Maverick, x Hunter and evil clone of X


is it me or the old games look far better


Ive been waiting for megaman legends 3 for ages.
