Arirang ~ A Korean Folk Song for voice and keyboard

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Arirang is one of Korea's most beloved folk songs, and is also a wonderful example of a song built on the pentatonic scale. In this video, we explore how to play Arirang on the piano using only the black keys.

For music teachers, Arirang can be an excellent way for students to learn how to read music and play it on the keyboards. Using the pdf provided, students can label all the notes of the song (some labels have already been provided), and then then read their music using a keyboard to play the song. (I've done this exact thing with hundreds if not thousands of kids). So I hope you like it, and I hope it helps your students learn more about this wonderful world of music.

Disclaimer: Although this song is designed to be accessible and appropriate for children, its intended audience is adult musicians and music teachers who are interested in videos that visualize musical concepts to aid in their own music lessons and understanding.
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My grandmother is 93 years old and has Alzheimer's so she couldn't remember anything. And when we visited her in 2020. She can't remember us. But when my father sang this song to her, she started to follow along. Just like in the movie coco. My mother cried her eyeballs out even though she rarely does. Thank you for spreading Korea's tradition!


Who came here to listen to the song for MApeh subject


My father was a Korean War Veteran and before he died, the Korean government invited him back to honor him and the other veterans. They also invited my mother who is his wife and whom he married when he returned. Due to his advanced age at the time, I accompanied them. Dad was front line infantry and a member of the Chosin Frozen bearing the scars of frostbite until he died. When there they played this song and it brought my father to tears remembering the orphaned children who would sing this song to the soldiers. I play violin and I would like to learn this simple lament. I would like to play it at his grave.


Jes sayin': Koreans are not the only ones that love this song. Maybe they are the only ones that can love it with the depth that they do, but that won't stop us "others" from loving it in our own way. Thanks for sharing this treasure with us, Korea!


28 years old and heard this song for the first time brings tears of joy to my eyes


I am from singapore. I am malay by ethnicity.
I do not understand a word of this song, but when listening to it, i cannot help but shed a tear...
A lovely and beautiful song...
To Korea with love...


When my husband and I were students at the University of Wyoming on the Laramie Plains surrounded by mountains, one of his friends in the engineering school was Korean. Youngin didn't have a car, so on the holiday, when we got together to get away from school, my husband, Youngin, and whoever else we could find, sang this in the car on the way to where we might hike, Vedauwoo, Lake Marie, Libby Flats, etc. Such a rich, warm song sung by a Japanese tenors and baritones, Korean bass, Taiwanese soprano, Norwegian baritone. Of course most of us only knew the arirang part, but the melody is beautiful and haunting not unlike the song 'Kimi Ga Yo'.


I know this song through a novel called "Human Acts". It mentioned this song in chapter 1.


guys this songs sounds really similar to tamil folk song "AARI RA RO..AARIRARO" ... EXACTLY THE ONE USED IN VILLAGES OF INDIA TO make crying children sleep😲😲😲😲


I've knows this song since I was a child my grandfather taught it to me glad I could find it


I'm posting a piano version of this on my YouTube tomorrow, and my version has inspiration from yours! Thank you for sharing!


This sounds exactly like Tamil lullaby 'Ariraro'


The name was mentioned in a Kdrama so I searched on google. So very glad I did, the music is lovely. Thank you.


Dispite we need to this at school this meaning of the song is pretty good 👍


Your first like !! It's beautiful!!🥰🥰


jut found it after discussing with copilot for folk or children songs around the world
i knew this name since the 90s when i was watching
very close to the Dutch indo "nina bobo' of the 60s in the way the singer sings . just a lullaby


It's realted to tamil flok songs 'aarariro'...


I love your videos so much! I use many of them in my own music classroom. Please keep ‘em coming!


Ariang Ariong Ariyo Ariang almost close to memorise keep it up ;-)


I know this name since the times of "Arirang TV" via satellite with kSeries and kDrama and more news and entertainment prrogram . later put that in a TV with inbuilt sat receiver.
Now if i want to watch the channel i can only try via u2b but my time now is more limited
