Ruination Flight example

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Set in the year 3031 the countries of Earth are on the brink of collapse.
A virus known as A135 has infected more than 2.5 billion people on Earth, loss of life is climbing with every new day, hope for the future of earth is fading.
An Alien race known as the Clemic observe that the human race is about to become extinct and decide to intervene. First contact is made with life outside of Earth on the 15/12/3032

For the next two years the Clemic begin to setup habitats on near moons and evacuate people to them, but there efforts are slow and the human race is suffering
On the 11/4/3034 the virus mutates and becomes air born.
Earth has seen air born viruses before but not like this. Fearing the virus will leave the planet, Clemic high council make a decision that will be forever known as the Ruination of Earth, they ordered the total annihilation of the planet and the remaining population
3.2 billion make it of the planet and settle in the habitats, they begin to learn how to survive in the harshest environment possible, Space.
After one year the Clemic preform a census and discover that the human race is not surviving without a home.
Human survivors are divided, half hate the Clemic for the destruction of Earth and half are just trying to survive.

You are Daniel Ryan one of the survivors of Earth turned criminal, an opportunistic man who will do whatever he must to live.

Ben MacLeod
Level One Games

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