Enlightenment is not a Mystical Experience

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In this video I explore about my definition of enlightenment, our expectations of enlightenment and how these expectations influence us. Enjoy!

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Your videos are spot on! People who search for the mystical and detach it from their own existence is part of escapism and opposite of what should come with this knowing. It is to help you live here and now in a better way for you and for all. Its not "out there" or to make you feel special


Once again, your clarity and directness are exceptionally helpful. Thank you!


I am mystic as I always try to understand through feelings gained from mystical experiences and not by logic. It is difficult for me to explain in words but all I can say is that mystical experiences give me realisations, awakening, joy, relief or enlightenment which is why I always worry as time goes by to not have much of such experiences. But thanks to such a beautiful and easy manner of explanation in your video that I do not have the same worry in regard to mystical experiences anymore.


Very nice of you to have narrated in simple words that simple thing but much profound . Thank you


I’m really enjoying the new context of spirituality w/folks like yourself Sam. It takes it from the ivory towers (old way) to open discussion among peers, friends, community. It brings it down from the clouds to everyday life and ironically gets us closer to the reality of who we are and what life is about. No special access pass, no lofty language implying secrets and rights of passage. Just bare bones, accessible truth available to all. It feels right. We all come into this knowing together.


Enlightenment as a destructive process (Kool).
It just occurred to me as I continued to listen to the video that maybe there is no seeker at all….(🤯) and that the seeker is just a thought. I’ve heard this countless times but really just made sense in a sort of flash. Then if that’s the case, then there’s also no one that can be enlightened!?
Listening again (2nd/3rd run thru) and it also occurs to me that it’s not dropping the seeker so to speak, but maybe more so just not identifying w/it so much. Kinda like it just loses its flavor, that whole perspective or game. Who knows….it’s just an occurring but welcome thought and at the same time, realizing I can be whisked away into the story again at a moments notice. It’s nice to have these flash moments of insight though.


How have your own experiences with false expectations been? Did it affect you on your spiritual path?


When rebirth process comes to the end. How we come to know that we are so called enlightened now ?


, ,șo much goes, ,with Nirvana and with Samsara, , , , i heared someones said that beyond Awarrness it îs Nothing, , the question îs which, ,Nothing,,?, ,the mental Nothing or the existențial Nothing?, , of course îs it about existențial one, , ( amateurs), , , and can be experience too ! Thank You


I used to think it was all some "Eastern religion" heck, was I wrong!


Yup. The mind always wants it to be special. TRAP ALERT 🙏😁
