Transcription || 'Julian Lage Lesson' (YouTube clip) [guitar]

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This is a transcription of the Youtube clip, titled "Julian Lage Lesson", in which Julian Lage explains a classic 'chord approach' to soloing over a 2-5-1 chord progression. Dealing with the 2–5–1 chord progression is one of the classic subjects in standard jazz courses, as the 2–5–1 is likely the most widely used chord progression in jazz.
The numbers of “2–5–1” refer to the steps in the given key: In the key of C major, these steps are D (2nd) – G (5th) – C (1st). By building chords of 3 notes (triads) on top of these steps, you produce the chords Dm–G–C. By building these triads one note higher, you produce the chords Dm7–G7–Cmaj7, which is the default jazz notation of a 2–5–1 chord progression in the key of C major.
All the examples of this lesson neatly stay within C major.
The crux of this 'chord approach,' or 'arpeggio approach', to soloing is to think of your phrases as notes in chords or arpeggios (e.g. instead of as notes in a scale). In this way, you can just build phrases from the notes of the chordal ‘backdrop’. This is the approach implied in this lesson.
The simplest way of starting out is to just play arpeggios of the backdrop chords, as seen in the first example. Hence, when the chord is Dm7, you then aim for or emphasize the notes of that chord, D F A C.
You can use this approach as a theoretical tool to deliberately develop more harmonically interesting phrases and thus break out of scale playing. This approach is theoretically demanding, however, it does connect your soloing directly to your chord theory, allowing you to turn chord ideas into solo phrases.
Enjoy this great, little jazz lesson!
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*Advertising revenues go to the proper copyrights owner, so I earn nothing from making these transcription videos.
This is a transcription of the Youtube clip, titled "Julian Lage Lesson", in which Julian Lage explains a classic 'chord approach' to soloing over a 2-5-1 chord progression. Dealing with the 2–5–1 chord progression is one of the classic subjects in standard jazz courses, as the 2–5–1 is likely the most widely used chord progression in jazz.
The numbers of “2–5–1” refer to the steps in the given key: In the key of C major, these steps are D (2nd) – G (5th) – C (1st). By building chords of 3 notes (triads) on top of these steps, you produce the chords Dm–G–C. By building these triads one note higher, you produce the chords Dm7–G7–Cmaj7, which is the default jazz notation of a 2–5–1 chord progression in the key of C major.
All the examples of this lesson neatly stay within C major.
The crux of this 'chord approach,' or 'arpeggio approach', to soloing is to think of your phrases as notes in chords or arpeggios (e.g. instead of as notes in a scale). In this way, you can just build phrases from the notes of the chordal ‘backdrop’. This is the approach implied in this lesson.
The simplest way of starting out is to just play arpeggios of the backdrop chords, as seen in the first example. Hence, when the chord is Dm7, you then aim for or emphasize the notes of that chord, D F A C.
You can use this approach as a theoretical tool to deliberately develop more harmonically interesting phrases and thus break out of scale playing. This approach is theoretically demanding, however, it does connect your soloing directly to your chord theory, allowing you to turn chord ideas into solo phrases.
Enjoy this great, little jazz lesson!