John Piper - Is God's plan of salvation a failure?

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This really makes my head spin. The thought that Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe, before the foundation of the world, chose an ugly, monstrous, no-good, depraved animal like me to mercifully grant to me the ability to believe in Him, repentance, salvation, have a relationship with Him & ultimately be with Him for all eternity, LITERALLY BLOWS ME AWAY! ALL I CAN SAY IS I LOVE YOU JESUS & THANK YOU LORD!


@InSlaveryToChrist Yes Sir, with God's help, I will. Thank you for sharing that scripture with me. May God bless you.


Wow.... God's Desire is under God's Decision! Perfect sense! Thank you, amen and amen!


God gives us the means for salvation, seeking repentance with Him. He gives us the choice to either choose heaven or hell, and though He knows what will happen we have the "free choice" (it seems so to us) to choose where we want to go. How can God weep over Jerusalem? If its Gods will, how can he regret and weep? God doesnt regret or feel sad, he is above such human emotions.


We do understand that no one would believe in Jesus Christ unless the Father draw the person draw him. 1 Corinthians 1:18-19 reads "For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written: ' 'I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart'". That's God speaking to you.


Genocide?! Every person has free will, what he's saying in this clip is that God didn't fufill the desires of people to "appeal" them to Him. He shouldn't have to "appeal" to us in any way but in fact He does with the death of His one and only Son. He wants us to love Him of our own free will, therefore He invited us to accept this wonderful gift of His grace. I don't mean to debate you but please try to understand that this is what's meant. Not the eternal death of the "unselected"


I don't listen to man, I go to pray and receive my answers


The one question Arminians can never answer..


Yes, God knows what He is doing. John Piper does NOT know what he’s doing, or he wouldn’t try to teach this blasphemous, damnable heresy.


I had this discussion with Piper in 1999! He said to me that "in some way Christ wills the salvation of all and in some way He wills the salvation of some - His elect." He is not consistent given his superb book "The Justification of God: An Exegetical & Theological Study of Romans 9: 1-23" based on his dissertation. You cannot posit that God can contradict Himself. His plan of salvation is to save the Elect.


Whoever holds on to a failed God doctrine just makes God a man-God, who make mistakes like us, then why do they continue to call him God. It's irrational. It's sin that harden their hearts. It's a veil keep them from seeing a true God.


WOW!!! ... The God he is speaking about, has a desire to save all of mankind, but couldn't create a plan that would fulfill his OWN desire. If that's true, then I wonder if there was or will be other desires that God wanted, but was unable to design a plan to achieve them? ... Who in their right mind would EVER want to believe in a God like that is beyond me.


That's the gospel. Amen!


@GMDOCNICE And what shall I, who is not chosen of God, say? I suppose I too shall be blown away, but more like dust in the face of God's wrath.

Автор can we even say "so many people" are going to hell. We have no idea if hell is even real. Let alone who goes to it or not. The assumption kills me. What also kills me is that this comment will be put aside by most christians as blasphemy and they won't even think about it.


@Thinkinginstead Wouldn't any other theology besides Universalism have to arrive at the conclusion that God failed then, based off of your reasoning? Arminians don't claim that every single person is going to heaven. Since they are not, God's desire is still not accomplished. Just a thought


If God fails, then it's possible that God himself cannot carry out a judgement day because go by your understanding, God cannot bring it to pass. But the bible tells us otherwise, so your understand contradicts scripture, therefore it's true and is a fallacy.


That's not the gospel. God wants all to be saved, not some. 1Ti 2:4 - Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
Calvinists hunger to admire the mystery of why God grants Repentance to the chosen. If the Bible does not contradict itself then read Eph 2:8 KJV - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God: Have faith that Jesus paid it all on the cross for you. Trust that his blood covers all your sins today, yesterday, and forever. You cannot accept this gift and add works to it. Its free. God will know, in your heart that you believe on His son and that he died, was buried, and resurrected . God will put a new born spirit in you.


Eph 1:10 says that God gathers all things in Christ. The predestination here is in the method Jesus Christ. God desires All men to be saved and the method He uses is Jesus Christ, the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the. World. God predestined or predetermined that All men would be saved if they look to His Son Jesus Christ for salvation. In John 3 As Moses lifted up the serpent on a pole so the Son of man will be lifted up. In Moses' day as many as looked at the serpent were healed. Today as many as will look to Jesus will be saved.


That's correct. Repentance is coming from the new heart with the force of the Holy Spirit.
