#Java #JDBC #Swing #MySQL CRUD Inventory Management System

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Java JDBC Swing - MySQL CRUD
Inventory Management System

Tool Set:
1. #MySQL 8
2. MySQL #Workbench
3. #NetBeans 8.2
4. #JDK 1.8
5. #JConnector 8.0.21

Problem Statement
Java Swing application to manage product
inventory using MySQL as back-end. Provide
Graphical User Interface to do following

1. Add Product
2. Edit Product
3. Delete Product
4. View Products

1. DBConnection – Class to connect to the Database
2. Product – Class to represent a Product
(id, name, quantity, price)
3. DBHandler – Class to implement a Layer for the Database
4. InventoryController – Class to implement a controller
class that implements the logic of the application.
5. InventoryView – Class to implement Graphical User
6. Driver – class to have main method to run the application

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