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We've got two 65 horsepower tractors, but they're considered to be in different classes by John Deere. What makes that true and what isn't really that different between this 4720 and 5065E? Well we'll cover price, dimensions, capacity, convenience, and more in today's video. Comparing a John Deere 4 Series vs John Deere 5 Series.

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This video is for entertainment purposes only. Good Works Tractors (Good Works Lawn & Power, LLC) cannot be held responsible for content found in any video. Always reference your owners manuals, use extreme caution, and proceed at your own risk.


Very good job of explaining all the differences between these 2 tractors. Thank you for taking the time walking us through everything.


Imo, the 5 series is just the latest continuation of the small utiiity farm tractor aimed at farms. Most have at least one, and likely several, for doing chores, bucket work, haying, hauling, and all kinds of other jobs. It's the "workhorse" and/or daily driver. They are definitely designed and aimed at agricultural applications. The 4 series are compact utilities- meant for hobby farms- like horse stables- property owners/managers, etc That's why you see the creature comforts and premium options- these folks tend to have higher expectations in that regard. Farmers and municipalites just want a solid workhorse they can afford (to work the hell out of)- ie cheap power. I think that's why they offer similar powered options in a variety of ranges- application.


I have four 5000 series tractors that are used every day by a variety of employees with different skill levels and they have been rock solid machines. One note, on the 5 series tractors you can get an air suspension seat which makes a big comfort difference when working all day. I don’t know if that is an option for the 4 series. Dollar for dollar at the same horsepower I would always go for the larger series unless there is some mitigating factor where a smaller tractor might have an advantage. Bigger series has more strength and capacity even when horsepower is the same. Interesting note I have a 5400 with over 8000 hours on it, the engine has never been rebuilt, still runs like a champ.


Your timing is impeccable. I am looking at a 4066m HD instead of a 5 series. You are the first person I’ve seen compare the 4 series to the 5 series. Thank you so much for the video!


"John Deere doesn't make it the easiest to understand their number system"
Preach it !!!


When I was looking at my 4066r I also looked at a 5075e, I knew the 5 series and 6 series tractors well, for me it came down to 4 key points transmission and 3 point control. The 4r in Australia is offered with the ehydro only and electric 3 point control. The 5e is either the 9 x 3 sync reverser or the 12 x 12 and mechanical 3 point control. Neither transmission options on the 5e had a low enough ground speed for what I needed and I wanted exact repeatable 3 point control. So if I wanted that it would mean going up to a 5m euro spec or 5r euro spec. Weight and size also played a choice in the decision. I needed something light and handy to work small areas of land. And spec a 5090r up with a few niceties like front axle suspension, cab suspension and command arm with msl loader I was looking at over $120, 000 which was abit over $30k more. So it was a 4066r for me. I'm happy with it, planted an acre of potatoes with last month with no issues and that included soil prep spraying brush removal and fencing. The 4r is a great tractor but I wish Deere would of put draft control on them. As it's not a good tractor for primary tillage work like mouldboard ploughing and chisel ploughing other than that it's great


I ALWAYS learn something from your videos! Thanks!


Great Video. Love all the detail you provide. I have a 3520 hydro that I absolutely love. Every now and then I wish it was larger for a bigger job but 95% of the time, its perfect for what I do with it. People often ask me for advice when looking for a machine. I tell them to start by figuring out what they intend to use it for mostly, because there are so many options/configurations to consider. I had a 2305 at first which was not quite enough machine for me based on my useage. And after researching and speaking with a sales person at my local JD dealer, I realized that I should have purchased a 3 series. One size does not fit all for sure.


thank you for the video comparing the 2 tractors. I have been curious about the difference between the 4 and 5 series


Here in Quebec, the 4066R are mainly sold to snow contractors. Some have a fleet of over 20+ of this model. But the 5 series is mainly used by small farmers or those who go in the woods. Anyway great video!


Super useful and always entertaining, thanks brother!


I have an open station 2007 John Deere 5325. It has 2 sets of rear remotes. They are the push pull type which are not easy. It has a 12 speed power reverse. The engine is a 5 cylinder at 67 horsepower.


Both of these tractors are beyond what I need out here in the woods, and wouldn't handle well on the terrain. But the more I look at those cabs... Better than some cars I have driven!


I purchased a 3 series and it just couldn't keep up on the farm. Traded it in and wanted a 4066 but it was back ordered. They sold me 5065E and I'm so glad they did! The stability and CAT 2 attachments are a game changer. Especially the Batwing mower. Very happy with my 5 series. Great comparison. I was stressing out which to buy.


Great video, I have a 5065e cab tractor, absolutely love it!!


That's a 5 gallon bucket of info! Great comparison. I prefer shuttle for the direct power feeling, but hydros are awesome for tight spaces and loader work.


I would love to see this type comparison of the Kubota L series vs MX series. I really appreciate the information you share on your channel. “Keep on Keeping on!” Tim


Thank you for this content. When and if possible, please do a comparison between the 5E and 5M series.


I love all of the great information that you give us in your videos. I think you missed a big point on comparing the hydro transmissions to the power shift though. If you go hydro, you lose the ability to use your rear brakes individually to help steer and maneuver in tighter places. Hill sides are another place that you can brake the high side to put more torque to the wheel with more weight/traction. It is an old farmers trick that I was taught 35 years ago. Thanks again for sharing your wisdom on these machines.
