Why Religion Does more Harm than Good in the World

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This video consists of critical arguments against religious doctrines and ideologies, presented by Chistopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Lawrence Krauss, Peter Singer, Richard Dawkins & Ricky Gervais.

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1. Daniel Dennett: Breaking the Spell - Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
2. Ricky Gervais and Richard Dawkins in Conversation
3. Lawrence Krauss vs Christians on Q&A
4. Lawrence Krauss vs Hamza Tzortzis | Islam vs Atheism Debate
5. Peter Singer vs John Lennox | Is There a God? Debate
6. We'd be better off without religion: Christopher Hitchens

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Religion literally promotes irrationality.


Gods don't create people, people create gods.


Organized religions are political movements pure and simple about power and control. Their clergymen don gaudy robes and convince you they represent God, that's power. Tell you you're a sinner so that you're in thrall to them and need them for redemption, job done. And don't think you can escape their clutches by living a chaste and pure life, they've got original sin to cover that, a sin you committed before you were born!


Religion is belief and submission to man made gods. At no time do these thousands of gods ever make an appearance in the reality that surrounds those who believe in them.


“we feel PERSECUTED when we can’t PERSECUTE everyone else.”—christian nationalist.


I often wonder how much different the world would be without religion.


I believe in a future where we will be free of the parasite of religion once and for all.


I agree, indoctrinating children with religion is more often than not child abuse. I grew up in a religious Christian home and by the time I was 5 years old I was having panic attacks trying to follow the Bible correctly and fearing hell. That lasted me most of my life until I went to college and started realizing all of the holes in my religion. I nearly did some things that I can't say on YouTube, but simply put college did more than just give me a fancy degree, it also saved my life by opening my eyes.


Religion was mankind's inevitable search for a justified existence where there is none.


Love this. I don't believe in this man-made god. Religion, politics are 2 peas in a poop!


It is worse than mild. Much worse. Children are born innocent. They engage in life as they grow. They learn about how we need to deal with each other as time goes on. They need great care. They come to understand this. They are at the mercy of adults. Then the religious hit them with death and hell. Learning of death through religion is painful. Not natural. You are told what you have learned so far is untrue and that the world isnt what all of your experience tells you it is. It is highly traumatic. You may not remember it but it was. Then they tell you about hell. Even if not directly, it is talked about. You at least pick up on it if no one directly tells you. And so much worse if someone tells you directly. You are told what you have learned is wrong. It cant be trusted. You are told things you had no idea existed and frankly are very suspicious of as they are horrible to hear, are true. That if you and those you love dont follow this strange way of thinking will burn for all eternity when you die. Its about that death thing too. Your psyche, your identity, is pummelled by horrific concepts that go against your best judgments. The fear of death and eternal torture is put into your mind. By your caretakers. And they call it love.
This is incredibly painful and traumatic. Why do so many people do so many bad things? Especially for faith. Because they were traumatized and told wrong is right. Evil is good. How we are born and exist is bad. We truamatize the minds and identities of our children and believe fictional stories and gods as justification for it. Why do school children kill their peers for being LGBTQ? Because of nature? Or because they were traumatized repeatedly by their caregivers and have been led to violent action against those they carry prejudice against?
Religion bludgeons the minds and identities of children to become fertile soil for atrocities. Look at Isreal. Committing genocide based upon trauma and fiction. If you look at anyone and everyone of those in Isreal commiting these crimes, you will find early childhood trauma.
It is not exclusive to religion, but it is a required pattern in religion. Get them while they are young. They admit this. They know if they can indoctrinate them young enough you will have a faithful follower for life. This is the result of trauma indoctrination. It is a crime against humanity. The religious call it parental rights. I call it for what it is, a crime against humanity.


I'm thankful everyday when I realized religion was destroying my future.


Wow, everbody should at least listen to this... I live in Italy, where everybody is catholic, but I was brought up fundamental baptist. I still don't know till this day how I never talked to my children about god and the bible... my intuition stopped me, and I am so happy, i didn't!!! I finally see religion for what it is: a manipulation to control our minds! So glad, I am free....


Not a worm, like an ‘ear worm’’ a song you can’t get out of your head. ‘Religion is the opiate of society.’ This has held humanity back for sure following these cults.


Wonderful post! We need more criticism of faith which does great harm.


The most dangerous effort for freedom is the happy slaves that enjoy their condition on slavery.


It's telling that no one has been able to logically refute what is being presented in this video. All they do is tap dance all around it with excuses, empty promises and unsubstantiated threats.


Faith is the most dangerous concept ever invented by humans

Critical thinking


In 2002 I was pronounced clinically brain dead, not near death experience. I experienced death and I have full authority in saying there was no God nor heaven no devil and no hell, all there was, is the memory of coming back. That's it.
