Navigation simulating | Movebase : Navigation Framework for ROS | Costmap | Planner | Part 5

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Wish to get into the shoes of a Robotics Software Engineer and see the complete cycle of mobile robot development. Also learn and implement robotics concepts using ROS with a great simulator named Webots. Then you are at the right place. Soft_illusion Channel is back with a new video..!! (A channel that aims to help the robotics community).

#Navigation #ROS #Move_base #Simulation

0:15 Introduction
03:15 Glimpse of Navigation
03:29 What is Movebase
08:33 Setup of Movebase
11:09 Local Planner configuration
12:13 Global Planner configuration
12:50 Costmap configuration
15:47 Differential Drive Calculation
17:42 Project Explanation
20:45 Configuration of Rviz


When we commonly imagine a robot it is mostly moving.
So navigation in most robots is a crucial part.

Topics covered in this video include:
1. Introduction - What do we need to navigate in an environment? Why Move base?
2. Installation and configuration of move base.
3. Setting local cost map and global cost map, setting planners, converting cmd_vel to sensor message.
4. Move-base configuration
5. Showcase of custom robot navigating in custom Webots world.
6. Setting up Rviz.

(AGV)s and (AMR)s have different modes ways of navigation. AGVs have pre-defined nodes wheres AMRs use regenerated nodes and can dynamically avoid obstacles.
Mobile robot navigation can follow different algorithm paradigms such as (Basic bug algorithms to advance algorithms(A* and RRT, PRM)). They can also have different ways of interpreting the command velocity based on the different mechanisms such as 3 wheels, differential, 2 legged, mechanum, etc. To achieve all of this one of the most commanly used frameworks is the move_base package. Hence in this video we understand move base and its requirements, and show how it is used to autonomously navigate our robot.

The nav_core package contains key interfaces for the navigation stack. All planners and recovery behaviors that wish to be used as plugins in the move_base node must adhere to these interfaces.

Gobal planner used for the robot : navfn. ( Other options: global_planner , carrot_planner)

navfn provides a fast interpolated navigation function that can be used to create plans for a mobile base. The planner assumes a circular robot and operates on a costmap to find a minimum cost plan from a start point to an end point in a grid. The navigation function is computed with Dijkstra's algorithm, but support for an A* heuristic may also be added in the near future. navfn also provides a ROS wrapper for the navfn planner that adheres to the nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner interface specified in nav_core.

Local planner used for the robot: BaseLocalPlanner ( Other options: dwa_local_planner , eband_local_planner , teb_local_planner , mpc_local_planner )

This package provides implementations of the Trajectory Rollout and Dynamic Window approaches to local robot navigation on a plane. Given a plan to follow and a costmap, the controller produces velocity commands to send to a mobile base. This package supports both holonomic and non-holonomic robots, any robot footprint that can be represented as a convex polygon or circle, and exposes its configuration as ROS parameters that can be set in a launch file. This package's ROS wrapper adheres to the BaseLocalPlanner interface specified in the nav_core package.

If you have any questions about the move_base or its configuration do ask and comment what you think about the video and subscribe.
Рекомендации по теме

Hello. It was a great tutorial and easy to understand, I want to implement this on a real physical robot if possible please give me some input like resources etc, so I can achieve it. Thank you and please making such videos as it is helpful.


Wow! I really like the video! Exelent job sir! Is it also possible to put some points on the map and make robot to ride to one or another?


Thank you for your tutorial.. I wait your tutorial about move base with dynamic obstacle..
Btw, if I use omni wheel robot, I just set to non holonomic parameter?


are you considering a tutorial for Nav2 with Webots Sim?


Thank you for your helpful video. Could I only use local costmap?


Thank you GREAT tutorial. Question, If I want to launch local planner on the robot and Global planner on my PC is that possible with move_base?


How to use the navigation stack with the Pioneer robot (with rosary) and the rplidar a3 sensor (Hector Slam or Gmapping library) Hey, My question is how to use the ros Navigation Stack library to perform autonomous navigation on the pioneer robot that I am using the rosaria library for control, I am also using the rplidar_03 sensor with the hector slam library in the project. If anyone can help me :)


I am using gazebo as a simulator . When I give goals within rviz it works fine .i.e it devises a plan and starts moving . However when I give the rostopic pub command through terminal the goal is set in rviz but the robot doesn't move . Any small bit of help would be appreciated. Thanking you in advance


Hi, It is a great tutorial. I have a question. I might be missed something at 17:12. On which file have you written that code. Could you please tell me the exact file name on the GitHub repo? Thanks in advance.


Hello, I would like to be able to implement this navigation in my university project. I am doing a 3D SLAM with Rtabmap and I already have my point cloud, my robot is of the differential type and only has a camera with depth, therefore I do not have LiDAR. How can I implement this navigation?


I have a question, can I make a custom robot, then using ROS to control it?
