Jager Pro Hog Trap Update, How to Set Up and Move a Jager Pro HogTrap

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Everyone has been asking for an update on the Jager Pro hog trap. We haven't caught any hogs in the trap yet so we decided to move it to a different location.

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Canon T5i

Azden Shotgun Microphone

Joby GorillaPod Tripod

American Flag Hat

Oakley Holbrook Sunglasses

Tools I use and recommend:

Soil Block Maker

Fogg It Spray Nozzle

Arms Family Homestead
PO Box 167
Sulphur, Ok 73086
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Good morning Arms family, Mrs.Arms when your husband said, your pretty, your smile was pretty!! that was special him telling you that, you are very lucky to have a husband to tell you that, you have a beautiful family!! Mr. Arms thank you for explaining things very good as you are doing them, I remember when you shot the hog, that thing was so big!! I hope they stay away from your family, and animals, y'all have a very nice day.


The reason, I first started watching "Arms Family" is because how respectful and loving Daniel spoke about his wife, it's always beautiful when a man shows his love about his wife/partner.


I don't know how you go to work at 3:00 pm??? But for over twenty years I worked graveyard shift and people wondered how I could do that! Thanks for the video. Take care and be safe.


Thank you for showing your video homestead chickens 👋 bye 👋 bye 👋 bye 👋 👕🏡🎥👍👍👍


You and your wife work well together , ones quite an you the talker.lol , was interesting watching the set up of the trap. My son liked it. Maybe next time u will have some pigs to show us.


Good luck catching those feral hogs. Jager Pro has a lot of YT videos on their traps, and it seems they get the best results by baiting them for a while til the whole sounder is comfortable going in and out of the trap. They also like to camouflage the panels and gates with brush.


Have good day I worked 3 11 shift for years healthcare
God bless you


It’s cool to see the pig trails with the drone. Great tool. Happy pigging? 🐗


You need to follow the Jager Pro strategy. Camera first to confirm the pigs eating at a daily food source. Then get them used to the trap- not fully set up yet. Only then finish the trap to catch the whole sounder- due diligence before will tell you how many sounders/pigs. You want to catch the whole sounder otherwise you will never win against them breeding so quickly. Good luck!


Happy hunting!
I just attended a seminar last month where a speaker from the Noble Research Institute gave some pretty startling facts about how the feral hog population is growing exponentially and the dollars lost annually in just Oklahoma alone due to hog damage of crops, property and livestock. Hope you are successful in your eradication attempts.

You have some good looking country down in your parts too! Have a safe weekend.


I need to see about getting this trap door. Great video man I hope this trap works this time. Good luck buddy. Be safe on the road and watch your six.


Fill a 5 gal bucket of corn with water, a cup of sugar, and a few yeast packets... Let that sit a few days... Dump it in the trap... Hog has a hard time walk'n away from fermenting corn... And they can smell it far further than dry corn...


Yay U guy’s should catch some that trapping system is awesome. I didn’t know those boar 🐗 pigs could jump so high wow. Well hey Daniel keep up the good work!! Have fun @ work.😊


Daniel just consider what would happen if DJ didn't hold that tailgate down. Why, it would be flying all over and knocking your drone out of the air. You should really be thankful she's willing to help. 😂🤣😂


Just a thought, but maybe y'all could rig the trap gate on one of the creep feeders that the hogs are already used too. Love your channel!


You have to catch them first before you know if they can get out lol good luck have a good day


God bless b safe n I pray u catch them all


Jager Pro has demonstrated that those fence panels with 4"x4" hole spacing will not contain small piglets, which is why their fence panels (not the ones used here) have smaller openings closer to the ground. Still, 100 pigs in the first three months of the year ain't bad...


Hello arm family homestead ! Your wife has a wonderful hobby or professional I love photography I love 💕 I would Like to know what she does to how to take a good picture. That’s if it’s ok with her ! Iam in high school my brother in 5 th grade ! 💕. Hi to your family take car we love Huston!


I think the pig brig may be a better option, continuous trapping and don't need to drop the gate.
