Early Explorers of Australia

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Learn about the Early Explorers of Australia in this animated rap.

Lyrics to rap.

Willem Jansz:
Back in March 1606, Dutchexplorer Willem Jansz,
Co-mman-ded the Duyfken ship,mapped 300k's of land,
Sailing down the western side,of Cape York Pe-nin-su-la,
He'd made history by dis-co-ver-ingthe land Au-stra-li-a.

Luis Vaez de Torres / Pedro Fernandezde Quiros:
From Peru two Spanish seamenwent on search for more terrain,
One named Quiros had rebelliouscrew and not much did he gain.
Torres led the expedition,he succeeded, found his fate,
Was the first to sail the seasup north, it's now named 'Torres Strait'.

Dirk Hartog:
When Dirk Hartog sailed to Javathe 'Eendracht' was blown off course,
His ship landed on an island,the strong winds had so much force.
He continued sailing north,mapping the West Australian coast
Then wrote a message on a pewterplate and nailed it to a post.

Abel Tasman:
In 1642 when asked to startexploring southern seas,
Tasman commanded two shipsand navigated them with ease
He first discovered Tasmaniaand named it 'Van Diemen's Land'
Then found New Zealand and went backto map the space called 'New Holland'.

William Dampier:
An explorer, William Dampier,born 1651
Was first to circumnavigatethe world, he was an Englishman
He sailed the 'Roebuck' to NewHolland but it took on water fast
Though he managed to get good recordsof the surroundings at last.

James Cook:
It was on the ship 'Endeavour'that Cook found Bo-ta-ny Bay,
Joseph Banks helped name the florathen they continued their way.
Having found the eastern coast,Cook named the state of New South Wales,
In Hawaii natives killed him,crewmen lived to tell his tales.

Matthew Flinders:
Matthew Flinders was the firstto sail around our whole country,
With his wife living in England,his cat Trim was company.
From his efforts we now knowTasmania is not joined on,
Many landmarks with his nameshow that his legacy lives on.
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