I went to the Frontline of Ukraine's Invasion into Russia

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thank you spare parts army for giving me this opportunity by supporting me over the past 6 years. I hope I did right by you. I hope you still find this informative even if you don't agree with everything I say in it.


Be sure to subscribe to support United 24 Media they hooked me up:

written produced edited by: Chris Cappy
animations by: Michael
translation voice over by: Augie

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Hell yeah dude, love how deep you dug into the emotions of soldiers on the front as well. Incredible work! Glad you’re back safe


This is real journalism, not sitting warm and safe in a different country.


Thank you for a truthful and informative report from Kursk. It takes people willing to put their lives and reputation on the lines these days to inform the free world what we are fighting. More so, you showed the quality of the people fighting for us.


It's so sad that Chris has been banned from the wonderful tourist hotspots that are Venezuela and Uzbekistan.


You knocked this one out of the park brother. Their voice was heard.


I've never donated before, but I believe this is worth giving money too. You're a braver man than me.


this guy pays the dues, deserves his viewership


God Damn, bud. You have really gone next level - From youtube "commenter" to war correspondent. Good on you, kid.


Never donated to you before but getting to the frontline and ride the Bradley with Ukrainian soldiers, that’s totally next level


Thank you for going there and showing what it's really like. Excellent video


Cappy, I sincerely thank you for risking your life to show people the realities our soldiers face every day. This is very important to us. I have been an active service member of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for near three years now, and I want you to know that we will always be happy to see you in our country and that you have many friends here. I hope you'll visit us again. If you see this message and you're up for it, the Third Separate Assault Brigade would be glad to meet you. 😉
Keep creating such amazing content. Best of luck to you!


Outstanding, thanks for being willing to travel to Ukraine and report on what's going on there. I loved your channel before, love it even more now!


Not much more to say man, you're an inspiration. I'm glad you're back safe, and I hope the best for you and your family. The kind of reporting you do is of greater quality then any major news network in the world. You have set an example that, unfortunately, not many will be able to follow. Thank you for what you do.


You're a good man Cappy, if risking your life to do important work like this isn't worth some money going your way, then I don't know what is.


"I understood what it must have been like fighting against me in Iraq" Is such an brutal observation to make. This is hands down the best reporting on the ground I've seen from this conflict


First time I ever donate to a youtuber, but you fucking earned it. PS, use it to buy something nice for your wife, she's the true hero for letting you go on the trip.


Thank you for doing this. This was clearly a very high risk project for all involved and it obviously affected you emotionally and physically to go through with it. It's one thing to experience and understand something through media, and something entirely different to experience something in person. I hope to continue seeing you committed to what you do on this channel because I believe its of great importance to educate people about the true reality of conflicts especially in heavily contested media space where the truth is warped at every turn to fit opposing narratives / incentives.


Hey man i just want to say thank you. Im here in the states listening to your documentary/report while working construction. I came back from Ukraine 4 months ago after my wife received here visa to come home with me. I originally came to UA with a small group of medical missionaries to preach the Gospel and teach soldiers TCCC and tactics. We flew onto Borospil 12 hrs before the war started. You can say i have become quite favorable to Ukraine and truly love there way of life and them as people over the past 3 years. And yeah my wife is Ukrainian.

It's really hard to be far form the soldiers and especially back on the States after meeting so many amazing men and women who are in those hard place, especially Eastward. So many news networks and commentators give their analysis based of what they hear from others or what they imagine its like over there and who is on the wrong and who should be helping or not. Your work has really blessed me brother. I started watch the footage you and your team got while eating lunch and im have tears coming to my eyes. It brings back so many memories of times and people ive met. So many of my friends there have died in that war.

Sorry for writing a book. Im really proud of you and your team for going over there and doing such a great job getting the news out. God bless you brother.


Thank you for your excellent journalism. Glad you are safe back home. Diving into danger at 18 is very different than when you're in your 30s.


This is a new and refreshing take on the war. Sometimes you see it covered on the news media with the press and it never really feels as raw and as real as this. Thanks for the bringing us along.
