Did WEED CLOTH work? + BASIL HARVEST 5 Varieties!

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Did WEED CLOTH work? + BASIL HARVEST 5 Varieties! I consider cost vs benefit in lining raised beds with weed cloth PLUS Basil harvest! ~ City girl turned homesteader sharing life with cats! Thanks for your support of this channel!


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"Late Bloomer" exists to inspire anyone to grow their own food. Kaye's vlog covers gardening, travel, homesteading, and interesting people. Please share!

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PS, I really loved seeing all your beautiful tomatoes. I had a terrible tomato year despite planting tons of them, so I got vicarious thrills seeing yours 😊


I don’t know if it will be the same in TN, but I’ve found out that here, whenever I pull nut sedge/grass, the roots AND little balls are surrounded by earthworms. Big ones and lots of babies. That has changed the way I think about it but I’m still trying to find a way to have a productive garden around it. Impossible but there must be a reason the worms are drawn so heavily to it.


Your garden is as lovely as you. Great info, as usual. Love basil. Your kitties look happy and healthy.
Love this video, love the channel, keep inspiring. Much love❤


Luvly t hear children near u after school playing -luvly relaxing video -you at your best Kaye


Watching you spit that out, “that’s not sweet” had me rolling on the floor. Bj is such a pretty girl! My neighbor brings me her husband’s basil plant to baby sit from time to time. He likes to pinch leaves off and top his pizza with them. Oh joy, what a beautiful surprise you found their with those tomatoes that just took care of themselves all summer! All blessings wished for you! ✌🏻


Very satisfying, those tomatoes what a wonderful surprise kaye., its so good to see you out in your gardens on the homestead, very refreshing, thankyou xxxx


Kaye how's you're son and mom?, bless there heart's, i can't believe Ashville oh my word, take care sweetie and as always i pray for you and your family, love is the key, always 💞 my husband and i just put our whole vegetable garden to bed for the winter, I'm over it what with my pneumonia and oxygen usage, but I'm thankful for it, boy i say, Father is making me stronger with each passing day, less and less oxygen usage 😉 that tomatoe plant is a beast 😝💞 with love always Kaye, love is the key, always 💞 🍅 did you get a lot of potatoes this year? 🥔🥔


I thought the b cranberry hibiscus was beautiful. I guess 1 out of 5 starts is better than none.


Glad you have the basil. I tried growing some but it dried up and just died. I am happy to tell you I now have 7 baby tomatoes on the one survivor vine I planted as a seedling in April in a raised bed here. Sweltering summer is over so the plant can set fruit and is doing so. I also have harvested some Swiss Chard. I have now started an in-ground garden with lots of peas, and other cool cold weather veggies plus pots, and two raised beds. Busy. Your veggies look so nice Kaye! Kudos for your efforts and sharing with us virtually. Sorry about the Nut Grass - like Johnson Grass or Bermuda it is a pest and hard to eradicate. I have a Bermuda lawn the former owner planted. Birds and winds bring grass seed to raised beds too.


I know you hate using any chemicals. However, there are specific products for nut grass. Maybe treat it over the winter and keep it tarped. Then, in the spring, start fresh. But, I'm positive you will still have to weed the bed on a regular basis.


Good Morning Kaye - That's a lot of basil and very interesting that you overwintered the plants. Nut grass is crazy and too bad it took over your garden bed again. You definitely have a green thumb as I have never seen a garden bed so wild with plants - rain helps too of course. Appears fall is finally coming and time to finish things up for next year. Have a blessed week...


Great to see the girls' basil, ,well what can i say pretty Kaye
just fantastic Ed now moved back to North Roxbury Drive


Look at "Over the top" herbicide, it only affects grasses, monocots, not broadleals, truly selective, control grasses even the ugly Burmuda grass, seeds, roots, and it kills to the roots
Ive struggled with Burmuda, and I selectivly treat where I can't pull as it would disturb the roots of wanted plants.


Kaye, this is totally off subject but I had to let you know that I was re-watching Gilmore Girls for the fall vibes and saw you!!! Your character was at the DAR meeting at the Gilmore's. It was Season 6, episode 5. I'll be watching for you in future episodes!


As far as the nut grass, this suggestion may sound like too much trouble. BUT, if the nut grass is mainly a problem in THAT particular bed, I wonder if shoveling out all the dirt onto a tarp and then isolating each nut grass ball and discarding, would be worthwhile? Because as we know when you just try to pull it out, you won't necessarily get the whole little bugger out of there. Knock on wood, I don't have nut grass so I haven't had to deal with it. 😬


I wonder
If the soil you bought was contaminated with the nut grass?


Praise the Lord, Kaye! Yeshua said, "Occupy till I come". You are doing a good job. We all can choose to worry about everything like a Martha, or we can concern ourselves with the joy of our salvation and the salvation of those around us, and how blessed we are to be a chosen generation to be placed here on the earth for a time such as this. God's plan is not wrong for us so let us rejoice and be glad in it. I know it can be hard to remain occupied with the things that give us joy and life, but we have to. Momma's going to her reward soon and while we hate to see our loved ones go we can't be selfish and keep them here. We should be jealous that they are going to enter a blissful existence free from the troubles of this world. Everyday I can't wait for the twilight to break, and as the orange sun rises through the trees I can go out into my garden and talk to God just the way it should be. Gardens heal the soul.


The woven weed cloth is terrible. You have a lot of micro plastic in the garden beds after a while. I regret that I've used plastic in my raised beds. Someone said that a weed cloth out of corn 🌽 starch that is biodegradable 🤔 is existing. Probably it's very expensive.


Kaye, you did your woven ground cover all wrong!!! First: You have to burn the ends so it does not unravel. Second: No need to "remove" soil to use it because you KEEP the microbiome and such in the ground to feed the worms. Third: You burn holes in the woven cloth cover and plant your plants IN THE HOLES. That way no weeds come up, just the plants that you planted in the holes are there. You DON'T remove soil then put woven ground cover on top then top it off with soil, which is what it looks like you did. If you want to know the correct way you must watch Living Traditions Homestead. I am on my 5th year of using the woven ground cover and I would not garden without it. The main thing you want to do is keep your soil as natural as possible. In fact, when I plant my garlic I lay the woven ground cover on top of the area I want the garlic. I fasten it down. I burn the holes and roll the ends under and fasten down so it does not unravel (or you can burn the ends) Then I take my little garden trowel and work up the soil in each hole and put my calcium and blood meal or any amendments you want THEN PLANT. That is it. No weeds. You made way too much work for yourself and you disrupted the soil. Nature will always try and cover bare soil to protect itself. Look at the woods and the rich soil and compost from the leaves that fall each year and decompose. I can't figure out why you would think that removing soil and then laying ground cover would work??? The whole idea of ground cover is to protect the soil underneath....worms thrive and the ONLY area weeds could come up is in the holes if you didn't plant something in them. Now, that is not to say you won't have a weed here and there next to your tomato or basil or whatever you plant, but it is a far cry from a whole area where mother nature is trying to protect it's "skin" from the sun and elements and will have "weeds" come up as a ground cover. Hope this helps you or anyone. The hard part is ONLY in the spring. Setting up the ground cover and planting. The following years you are all set. It is already in place! I guess it bothers me that you TRIED a method that works but did it all wrong.


Sounds like asian jumping worms...i hope not.
