10 common TRACKSTAND ERRORS | How NOT to trackstand | Watch to avoid these riding mistakes!

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Here are the 10 most common trackstand errors - I see many riders perform these when learning and practicing the Trackstand. I have a step by step Trackstand tutorial on my channel (link below) - where you can learn to avoid these steps by following my progressions.

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Here’s my video: The ultimate TRACKSTAND Tutorial - Learn to stand on your MTB in 5 steps!

Here’s my Riding position breakdown Video - the LARGEST brick in your skills foundation:

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→ Partners & Sponsors:
Bike: Lapierre Zesty AM Fit
Wheels: NOBL Wheels
Ergonomic Saddle & Grips: SQlab
Clothing, Gloves, Helmet, Travel Bag: ENDURA
Seatpost: BikeYoke
International Instructor Trainer at: BICP Bike Instructor Certification Program
Pedals: Reverse Components
Socks: Wabiks

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#trackstanderrors #trackstand #mountainbiking #hownotto #trackstandchallenge #roxybike
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Here's my step-by-step trackstand course:
which you can get for FREE! More info in the link.


I just started MTB. I live your tutorials. I watched how to do a rake stand first, practiced practiced. I thought somethings not right. I found what not to do and found I was doing many things “not to do”. I laughed at myself and got back on the bike doing the correct methods. Remembering what “not to do”. What a difference. Thank you


LOL ~ i do ALL of those errors!! .. really useful video as i didn't even realise that i was doing a couple of them! Thank you👍👍


Great video. I saw myself in many of them, so now I have the chance to move forward. Thank you!


I love your videos. Your explanations are excellent ❤️


Track stands are really fun! They also teach you how to fall off and dismount from the bike because you lose your balance all the time while learning. And I definitely practice both feet as well. It's been a long journey but extremely rewarding and really has built my confidence and balance on my bike. Also, it has taught me how to start my bike from a standstill in a balanced manner, without needing any momentum. This mean I can start my bike again from anywhere and I'm very comfortable for that dplit second it takes before the wheels start rolling. I would say track stands are useful even if only for that one reason! But at the end of the day, it's just pure


thanks, nice video, , that was really my mestakes, , but even in my age, , maybe its not too late to practice more and learn


For number 10: Too heavy on the hands too light on the feet? Leaning forward too much.

Remembering “Light on the hands, heavy on the feet” it’s probably the single piece of advice that has helped me the most on the trails… I heard it here first! 🤙


Sie Sind lieb, hubsch, gescheid, und eine gute lehrerin. Hoffentlich I habe das nicht verkehrt geschreiben. Nochmal danke, Roxy!


Looking straight down, as well as pedaling against the brakes constantly, instead of alternating ratcheting and braking to create the sustainable rocking motion for a proper trackstand.


Thank you, I stopped practicing this since I switched to clipless. Now I am scared to try 😀


Great video! I learned the trackstand many years ago, the one with locked brakes. Motivation for me was to be able to swing around the rear wheel in tight switchbacks, typically downhill. That's why a 'rocking' trackstand seemed useless to me. Took me a winter season to master it, works great ever since on the trail. I'll give the rocking trackstand a try this season, I can totally see the benefits for balance.


Forgot to add a message to the coffee I just sent you cat lady. So here it is: you’ve helped me immensely. Next time it’ll be a latte...


Yes I did many of those. I still haven't fixed them!


Very helpful video. I now see that I lock the brakes.


When I practice track standing I suck at it. But when I am ridding I see my practice show up. and there I am stopped and balancing for brief moments. So I am seeing rewards for due diligence. When I practice yes I can have wild handle bars. It's coming to a dead stop that gets squirrely.


4:05 I don't know what the hell you were trying,
but that last one is me.
But I do it plenty slower but forward 🤣😭😵‍💫


Hi Roxy, Great movie, can you explain what you mean with locked brakes? Or to make it more clear, what is it what you should do then? Only use rear brake when loosing balance? Tx!!


Another tip if you're struggling is to experiment with a seated track stand. It isn't ideal because it can take you out of that solid neutral position, but it can help some people relax a little and being tense while trying to track stand is unhelpful. Again, it is preferable to do it the way it is shown here, but sometimes allowing yourself to play with other modalities can help with progression.


haha, there I was thinking that locked brakes were bad. Guess I am a professional then instead of a noobie.
