Vicksburg Campaign: The Civil War in Four Minutes

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Join Historian Terrence J. Winschel as he provides a brief overview of General Ulysses S. Grant's successful campaign to capture the City of Vicksburg. Watch now to learn about the battles of the long Vicksburg Campaign and find out how Grant's victory at Vicksburg effectively cut the Confederacy in two.
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Mr. Winchell, an absolutely impossible task (all the intricacies of Vicksburg in four minutes!) flawlessly researched and presented. Very well done, sir. I thank you.


People call Lee a great General, but Grant was the only general in the Civil War who eliminated an entire opposing army, something he did three times (Donelson, Vicksburg, and Appomatox)


People do not realize what an achievement that Vicksburg Campaign was for General Grant and his army. He violated every rule that was taught at West Point. It was like playing poker holding only 3 Jacks. He succeeded because both Washington and Richmond did not expect Grant to break the rules of war and go for the victory. This campaign is still studied at military academies all over the world.


i can't spare this man he fights!

great video.


The pivotable battle was at Champion Hill. My great-great grandfather was a second lieutenant in one of the Illinois regiments that flanked the Confederates driving them from the field and dooming them to defeat in Vicksburg.


My great grandfather, John Mallard Stuckey (1833-1900) fought for the South in this battle and was wounded and captured by the North. He was later traded for Northern prisoners captured by the South that were Masons too! You can google, John Mallard Stuckey, youtube, to see his photo taken in 1899 before he died in 1900!
My g-g-granfather Sgt. Charles Fleetwood fought for the North! He led a 1, 000 man all Cherokee regiment in the Battle of Honey Springs!
My g-g-g-g-grandfather Nicholas Thomas Fain was killed in the Revolutionary War in the Battle of King Mountain in Tenneesee!
Family info....


Well, I didn't have a *direct* ancestor at Vicksburg like so many other people here did, but I did have a 1st cousin 5x removed killed here. Wilhelm/William Diedrich Dicke. Came to America as a 6-year-old boy, gave his life to preserve the Union before he could even vote.

Oh, and a more distant cousin (6th cousin 6x removed) was in command of the Army of the Tennessee 😊


It's funny to hear neo-con's claim the the rebs were winning the war up until Gettysburg. Sure they won several impressive victories in the East, but Vicksburg shows how the war was _really_ going. Even had Lee won Gettysburg, Vicksburg still would have been lost, and Lee still would have had to siege Washington DC, an impossible task. He would have been forced back West to confront Grant while another Union army was raised in the East. All in all, Lee's "achievements" in the East amounted to Hannibal's achievements in his invasion of Rome, hollow. Rejoicing about Lee's victories is like celebrating beating a fever while your body was eaten away by cancer.


These four-minute summaries are pure gold nuggets!


My great great grandfather Isham Irving Thomas served in the 46th infantry regiment. He was in group D aka the rankin county farmers. The were captured and sent to Tennessee. Isham went back to war and was captured again, so this time he was sent to Detroit prison. Story is that he got home buy borrowing a horse/mule every night and would let it go in the morning. My great great grandfather came out of the war as a Srgt.


Reading Grant’s memoir and this helps tremendously to visualize that campaign, Thanks!


My 4th great grandfather was there- Private George Lancaster Nason, 3rd Mississippi Infantry Battalion. He was paroled at Vicksburg on July 10.


My Great-Great-Great Grandfather fought in the battle of Vicksburg. Apprently he was assigned to a ditch. He was captured, and allowed to return home after signing he wouldn't rejoin the war.


I grew up here and it's still fascinating that events not far from my house had such international/world consequences.👍


This video does an excellent job of narrating what happened in the Vicksburg campaign, especially in what led up to it. Good work! Thank you.


Visited Vicksburg earlier today. I highly recommend if you are interested in civil war history.


Philippus Jeremia Rudolf Steyn (born 30 June 1967 in Kimberley, South Africa) is a former South African cricketer who played in three Tests and one ODI in 1995.


I recently toured The Battle of Vicksburg as a bucket list item. It was AMAZING!! ALL the monuments are beautiful and being there was breath taking!


Such a brilliant campaign. Thank you for this quick overview, well done. Clap Clap Clap


It would be great to see a war department episode discussing Vicksburg. Keep up the great work civil war trust!
