Романс Неморино из оперы Любовный напиток. Una furtiva lagrima (L'elisir d'amore - G. Donizetti)
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"Una furtiva lagrima" (A furtive tear) is the romanza from act 2, scene 3 of the Italian opera L'elisir d'amore by Gaetano Donizetti. It is sung by Nemorino when it appears that the love potion he bought to win the heart of his dream lady, Adina, works. Nemorino is in love with Adina, but she is not interested in a relationship with an innocent, rustic man. To win her heart, Nemorino buys a love potion with all the money he has in his pocket. That love potion is actually a cheap red wine sold by a traveling quack doctor, but when he sees Adina weeping, he knows that she has fallen in love with him, and he is sure that the "elixir" has worked.
Softly a furtive teardrop fell,
shadowed her sparkling eyes;
Seeing the others follow me
has caused her jealous sighs.
What is there more to prize?
What more than this could I prize?
Sighing, she loves me,
I saw that she loves me.
Could I but feel her heart on mine,
breathing that tender sigh!
Could my own sighing comfort her,
and whisper in sweet reply!
Her heart on mine, as heart to heart we sigh.
So tenderly we'd share a sweet reply!
Heaven, I then could die;
no more I'd ask you, I'd ask you,
ah! heaven, I, then, I then could die;
no more I'd ask you, I'd ask you.
I then could die, I then could die of love.
Крестьянин Неморино, влюблённый в Адину, но отвергаемый ею, покупает на последние деньги эликсир любви, под видом которого проезжий шарлатан продаёт ему немного обыкновенного вина. Тем не менее сердце Адины от прежнего избранника склоняется к Неморино, и тот уверяется в действенности напитка и в том, что Адина всё же любит его: свидетельством этой любви служит ему оброненная девушкой слезинка.
Softly a furtive teardrop fell,
shadowed her sparkling eyes;
Seeing the others follow me
has caused her jealous sighs.
What is there more to prize?
What more than this could I prize?
Sighing, she loves me,
I saw that she loves me.
Could I but feel her heart on mine,
breathing that tender sigh!
Could my own sighing comfort her,
and whisper in sweet reply!
Her heart on mine, as heart to heart we sigh.
So tenderly we'd share a sweet reply!
Heaven, I then could die;
no more I'd ask you, I'd ask you,
ah! heaven, I, then, I then could die;
no more I'd ask you, I'd ask you.
I then could die, I then could die of love.
Крестьянин Неморино, влюблённый в Адину, но отвергаемый ею, покупает на последние деньги эликсир любви, под видом которого проезжий шарлатан продаёт ему немного обыкновенного вина. Тем не менее сердце Адины от прежнего избранника склоняется к Неморино, и тот уверяется в действенности напитка и в том, что Адина всё же любит его: свидетельством этой любви служит ему оброненная девушкой слезинка.